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FlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation (ASPLOS'22) Artifact Evaluation Repository

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FlexOS ASPLOS'22 Artifact Evaluation


This repository contains the artifacts, including experiments and graphs, for the paper:

FlexOS: Towards Flexible OS Isolation

Abstract: At design time, modern operating systems are locked in a specific safety and isolation strategy that mixes one or more hardware/software protection mechanisms (e.g. user/kernel separation); revisiting these choices after deployment requires a major refactoring effort. This rigid approach shows its limits given the wide variety of modern applications' safety/performance requirements, when new hardware isolation mechanisms are rolled out, or when existing ones break.

We present FlexOS, a novel OS allowing users to easily specialize the safety and isolation strategy of an OS at compilation/deployment time instead of design time. This modular LibOS is composed of fine-grained components that can be isolated via a range of hardware protection mechanisms with various data sharing strategies and additional software hardening. The OS ships with an exploration technique helping the user navigate the vast safety/performance design space it unlocks. We implement a prototype of the system and demonstrate, for several applications (Redis/Nginx/SQLite), FlexOS’ vast configuration space as well as the efficiency of the exploration technique: we evaluate 80 FlexOS configurations for Redis and show how that space can be probabilistically subset to the 5 safest ones under a given performance budget. We also show that, under equivalent configurations, FlexOS performs similarly or better than several baselines/competitors.

If at all possible, please read through this entire document before installing or running experiments. This document and all READMEs are best read on GitHub, with a Markdown viewer, or Markdown editor.

Table of Contents

1. Experiments

The paper comes with 11 figures and 1 tables worth of experiments (although not all of them have experimental results, e.g., Figure 2 is an architecture diagram). Each experiment and the relevant scripts to generate the data and subsequent plots are included in this repository. We expect the results generated from this artifact to match one-to-one with the results in the paper, given that we used this artifact/scripts to actually generate all figures in the paper.

Each figure, table, and corresponding experiment are listed below. Estimated preparation time indicates the amount of time needed to execute make prepare for this experiment. Estimated run time indicated the amount of time needed to execute make run for this experiment. Unless explicitely stated in the column, these tasks are fully automated and do not require any form of human interaction.

Figure Description Estimated prep. time Estimated run time
Redis (top) and Nginx (bottom) performance for a range of configurations. Components are on the left. Software hardening can be enabled [●] or disabled [○] for each component. The white/blue/red color indicates the compartment the component is placed into. Isolation is achieved with MPK and DSS. 4 - 10h 2 - 3h
fig-07 Nginx versus Redis normalized performance. N/A 0h 1m
fig-08 Configurations poset for the Redis numbers (Figure 6). Stars are the most secure configs. with perf. >= 500k req/s. N/A max 1h (manual)
fig-09 NW throughput (iPerf) with Unikraft (baseline), FlexOS w/o isolation, with 2 compartments backed by MPK (-light = shared call stacks, -dss = protected and DSS) and EPT. 0h 45m 1h 30m
fig-10 Time to perform 5000 INSERT queries with SQLite on Unikraft, FlexOS, Linux, SeL4 (with the Genode system), and CubicleOS. The isolation profile is shown on the x axis (NONE: no isolation, MPK3: MPK with three compartments, EPT2: two compartments with EPT, PT2/3: two/three compartments with page-table-based isolation). 0h 40m 0h 9m
fig-11 FlexOS latency microbenchmarks. 0h 35m 0h 3m (+ 1m manual)
Table Description Estimated prep. time Estimated run time
tab-01 Porting effort: size of the patch (including automatic gate replacements), number of shared variables. 0h 2m 0h 25m (manual)

2. Repository structure

We have organised this repository as follows:

  • experiments/ - All experiments are listed in this directory. Each sub-directory is named with the figure number along with a short description of the experiment (e.g., fig-06_nginx-redis-perm). In addition, each experiment sub-directory has a corresponding which explains in more detail how the experiment works and how to run it. Along with this, each sub-directory also comes with a Makefile with the following targets:
    • prepare: prepares the experiment, by usually downloading and building relevant images, tools, and auxiliary services necessary for running the experiment.
    • run: runs the experiment.
    • plot: produces the figure or table. All plots are automatically saved into the plots/ directory.
    • clean: removes intermediate build files.
  • plots/ - Contains all resulting figures seen in the paper.

3. Prerequisites

Before you can run these experiments, you will need to prepare a physical host environment. Access to the physical host environment is important as it is required to run Virtual Machine (VM) images.

Many of these benchmarks are highly latency-sensitive, and a change in a few cycles might create significant discrepancies with the paper's results. Although not strictly necessary, we therefore recommend a careful setup of the system to reproduce the results. Section 3.2 gives advice on this matter.

3.1. Hardware & Software Dependencies

Hardware Minimal requirements
CPU Intel® Xeon® Scalable, > Skylake, > 8 cores
RAM >= 128GB
Disk >= 100 GB (of free space)

All our results were run on an Intel® Xeon® Silver 4114, but this artifact may be run with any processor that supports Intel MPK, typically any Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processor starting with the Skylake generation. In this case, however, the results might differ from the paper. Ideally, the processor should have more than 8 cores.

Our machine has 128.0 GB RAM. We do not recommend running this artifact on a machine with less RAM given the high memory requirements of Wayfinder for Figure 6.

On the disk side, we recommend > 100.0 GB of free space to be on the safe side; this is roughly equivalent to 60 GB for Figure 6, and 10 GB for each of Figures 9-11, and Table 1.

Note that these are not the minimal requirements to run FlexOS, they are only necessary to reproduce the paper's results.

Software Requirements
Debian 11.1 (host), 10 (Docker guests)
Linux 5.10.70-1
Docker 20.10.10

On the software side, this artifact was tested on Debian 11.1 and Linux version 5.10.70-1. However, we expect that it should run on many more recent or slightly older Debian releases. All docker guests use Debian 10; this is a hard requirement.

3.2. Isolation of Cores

This artifact may use up to 7 cores for experiments: four non-isolated cores (so that the kernel's load balancer can be used), and three isolated cores (via isolcpu, see the Linux kernel documentation). If the machine only has 8 cores, the remaining system load (however minimal) might not fit in the remaining core and create noise in experiments, so, as mentioned in the previous section, we recommend a larger core count.

For each experiment, you should declare the cores that you want to use (isolated and non-isolated), either by editing the NOISOLED_CPUX and ISOLED_CPUX variables in each experiment's Makefile, or by exporting these variables in the shell. The Makefiles should be fairly self-explanatory. In the artifact evaluation testbed, we use core 1-4 as non-isolated core, and core 5-7 as isolated cores.

Since these benchmarks are using non-isolated cores as well, it is important to keep the noise level on them as minimal as possible, e.g., concurrently running processes, other users, etc. We recommend the following:

  • Ideally the machine should be a fresh installation to avoid any non-necessary deamon or process
  • If the machine is shared (as is the case for the ASPLOS'22 AE setup), it is critical that the different users coordinate on the use of the physical machine

Note for the ASPLOS AEC: the test machine is already set up to fit the default values of this artifact, you do not need to update these variables unless you attempt to run this artifact on another setup.

3.3 Installing Docker

Many of the experiments use Docker as an intermediate tool for creating build and test environments (along with testing Docker itself). Please install Docker on your system to continue. This artifact makes heavy use of Docker containers, and so we recommend you to use a recent version of Docker to avoid storage pool issues. See troubleshooting. Our version of Docker is 20.10.10.

4. Getting started

  1. Before running any of these experiments, prepare your host with the recommendations detailed above in prerequisites;

  2. Clone the main AE repository

    git clone
  3. Generate a GitHub token (instructions here) and set it in the Makefiles. There are two approaches. Either you can set it for the entire system with

    export KRAFT_TOKEN="<your token>"

    or set it in every Makefile by editing the KRAFT_TOKEN variable

    # Parameters
    KRAFT_TOKEN ?= <your token>

    Note that if KRAFT_TOKEN is set system-wide, definitions in Makefiles will not override it.

  4. Install dependencies with

    make dependencies
  5. All experiments should be prepared first, which installs necessary tools and downloads additional resources, before they can run. This can be done for a single experiment, for example:

    make prepare-fig-07

    or for all experiments via:

    make prepare
  6. Once one or many experiments have been prepared, they can be run, again using a similar syntax as above:

    make run-fig-07

    or for all experiments via:

    make run

    This will generate the relevant experimental results within the experimental folder of the specific experiment.

  7. To plot one or many experiment's figures, use, for example:

    make plot-fig-07

    or for all experiments via:

    make plot
  8. You can clean, or "properclean" to completely reset any preparation, with make clean or make properclean and for individual experiments, for example:

    make clean-fig-07
    make properclean-fig-07

    or for all experiments via:

    make clean
    make properclean

Note: some experiments have a slightly different workflow. Figure 6 requires you to set HOST_CORES with a set of cores to be used for the experiment. Figure 8 is only a plot and requires some manual steps. Figure 11 requires a reboot of the machine with different kernel parameters. Table 1 is manual. In all of these cases, the local provides appropriate explanations.

5. Troubleshooting

Note that each experiment folder (e.g., experiments/fig-10_sqlite-exec-time/) has its own and corresponding troubleshooting section. If you are searching information regarding a particular experiment, take a look there as well!

  • Problem: Docker containers fail to build with errors indicating insufficient memory available.

    Solution: This artifact makes heavy use of Docker containers. Older versions of Docker are known to have issues with the maximum size of Docker containers or of the storage pool. Check the output of docker info. It should show overlay2. If it indicates devicemapper, your installation might be old or using the Debian/Ubuntu repositories. In this case, we recommend a fresh reinstall of Docker.

  • Problem: make prepare fails for most experiments with this kind of error:

    Step 7/67 : RUN kraftcleanup
     ---> Running in b073220c85f5
    make: *** No rule to make target 'properclean'.  Stop.
    [CRITICAL] 401 {"message": "Bad credentials", "documentation_url": ""}
    kraft caches are out-of-date. Would you like to update? [Y/n]: Aborted!
    The command '/bin/sh -c kraftcleanup' returned a non-zero code: 1
    make: *** [Makefile:36: prepare] Error 1

    Solution: You did not define the GitHub token variable (see Getting Started) or your GitHub token has become invalid (expired, revoked, etc.). You can check whether your GitHub token is valid with the following command:

    curl -v -H "Authorization: token <your token>"

    If it isn't, simply regenerate one. If it is, there might be a bug and you are welcome to open a bug report.

  • Problem: Application X (e.g., Redis, or Nginx) crashes when I stress test it with tool Y or Z.

    Solution: As explained in the paper and in the main tree, applications are ported manually and as such we cannot guarantee that this porting is complete for every possible execution path. Porting is not a contribution of this paper or proof-of-concept. Incomplete porting may result in false-positives, and crashes, when tested with other tools than the ones we used. In this case we recommend debugging the crash as explained in the documentation of the main tree to pinpoint the invalid access.

6. Zenodo Artifact & Tags

In addition to this repository, we have archived this artifact on Zenodo. In order to make the Zenodo artifact as self-contained as possible, we included a copy of all public repositories of the project-flexos GitHub organization under repositories. Note, however, that the repositories archive will not be used by the benchmark script, which will still rely on online GitHub repositories. They are therefore provided for the sole purpose of archival. You can generate a new organization snapshot with make zenodo.

We tagged each repository of the organization with asplos22-ae before submission.

7. Beyond the Paper

This repository contains all scripts necessary to reproduce the experiments of our ASPLOS'22 paper. It does not contain the FlexOS kernel, libraries, and applications themselves. You can find all other repositories hosted under the same GitHub organization. The FlexOS core kernel repository, in particular, lives in this repository. You can find instructions on porting applications and building your own FlexOS images in the core kernel repository's

This artifact represents the stable part of FlexOS that we were able to release for artifact evaluation as of December 2021. During this process, we became aware of a number of bugs and issues that we patched on an ad-hoc basis, some only in the form of patches in this repository. We are planning a second release in a few months that will incorporate proper fixes for these issues, along with an improved EPT backend.

8. Disclaimer

This artifact is the first release of a research proof-of-concept for flexible OS isolation. Like any research prototype, it contains hacks, bugs, and TODOs. We do not recommend using it in production, but wish that it will foster further research!

9. Acknowledgements

This artifact would not exist without the hard work of the Unikraft community. We encourage interested researchers to visit the project's web page and GitHub.