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A tool for generating sample cost usage data for testing purposes


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A tool for generating sample cost and usage data for testing purposes.

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Getting Started

This is a Python project developed using Python 3.8. Make sure you have at least this version installed.


To get started developing against Nise first clone a local copy of the git repository.

git clone

Developing inside a virtual environment is recommended. A Pipfile is provided. Pipenv is recommended for combining virtual environment (virtualenv) and dependency management (pip). To install pipenv, use pip

pip3 install pipenv

Then project dependencies and a virtual environment can be created using

pipenv install --dev

To activate the virtual environment run

pipenv shell

To build the command line tool run

python install

For generating sample data for developing or testing Koku, please refer to Ingesting Nise data with Koku.


Nise uses tox to standardize the environment used when running tests. Essentially, tox manages its own virtual environment and a copy of required dependencies to run tests. To ensure a clean tox environment run

tox -r

This will rebuild the tox virtual env and then run all tests.

To run sanity tests

tox -e sanity

To run all unit tests specifically:

make test

To run unit tests for a single provider:

make test test_source=<aws|azure|gcp|ocp|oci>


This repository uses pre-commit to check and enforce code style. It uses Black to reformat the Python code and Flake8 to check it afterwards. Other formats and text files are linted as well.

To run pre-commit checks:

pre-commit run --all-files


Please remember to sync your updated dependecies to with :

pipenv-setup sync -p

After that, make sure to increment the version in As soon as your PR is merged to main, a new koku-nise package will built, tagged, and deployed to PyPI.

Finer Publishing Details

All of the deployment is driven entirely by a Github Action workflow, so if issues ever crop up, start in publish-to-pypi.yml. When a branch is merged into main, the Action will kick off. There are three things that must happen before a deployment is successful, a successful artifact build, dependencies verified in sync between the requirements files, and, and the tag must not yet exist in git. The dependency syncing/verification is done with the pipenv-setup tool. After the artifact is deployed, it'll be available at PyPI.

Nise, Koku, and IQE Integration

The iqe tests use nise to generate mock data; therefore, we need to ensure that our nise changes do not break the iqe tests. To do this you will need to copy .env.example to .env and customize as necessary. After the .env file is configured you will then need to run

make run-iqe

The make run-iqe command by default will run the smoke tests. However, if you want to run a specific iqe test command you can pass it in through the IQE_CMD parameter

make run-iqe IQE_CMD='iqe tests plugin hccm -k test_api_aws_provider_create_foo_resource_name'


  • AWS population requires prior setup of AWS Cost and Usage Report of same name to be created, as well as associated Bucket, Policy, Role, etc.


nise is a command line tool.

    nise ( report | yaml )
    nise report ( aws | azure | gcp | ocp | oci ) [options]
    nise yaml ( aws | azure | ocp | ocp-on-cloud | oci ) [options]

Report Options:
    -s, --start-date YYYY-MM-DD             required if not using --static-report-file FILE_NAME
                                            (static file dates overwrite this start date)
    -e, --end-date YYYY-MM-DD               optional, defaults:
                                                AWS/GCP/OCP: today at 23:59
                                                Azure: now() + 24 hours
    -w, --write-monthly                     optional, keep the generated report files in the local dir.
    --file-row-limit ROW_LIMIT              optional, default is 100,000. AWS and OCP only. Multiple reports
                                            will be generated with line counts not exceeding the ROW_LIMIT.
    --static-report-file YAML_NAME          optional, static report generation based on specified yaml file.
                                            See example_[provider]_static_data.yml for examples.
    -c --currency CURRENCY_CODE             optional, default is USD.

AWS Report Options:
    --aws-s3-bucket-name BUCKET_NAME        optional, must include --aws-s3-report-name.
                                            Use local directory path to populate a "local S3 bucket".
    --aws-s3-report-name REPORT_NAME        optional, must include --aws-s3-bucket-name.
    --aws-s3-report-prefix PREFIX_NAME      optional
    --aws-finalize ( copy | overwrite )     optional, finalize choice

Azure Report Options:

GCP Report Options:
    --gcp-report-prefix PREFIX_NAME
    --gcp-bucket-name BUCKET_NAME

OCP Report Options:
    --ocp-cluster-id CLUSTER_ID             REQUIRED
    --insights-upload UPLOAD_URL            optional, Use local directory path to populate a
                                            "local upload directory".
    --ros-ocp-info                          Optional, Generate ROS for Openshift data.
    --constant-values-ros-ocp               Optional, Generate constant values for ROS for OpenShift data only
                                            when used with the ros-ocp-info parameter.

OCI Report Options:
    --oci-bucket-name BUCKET_NAME           optional, OCI bucket name.
    --oci-local-bucket LOCAL_BUCKET_PATH    optional, local directory path to upload reports to.

Common YAML Options:
    -o, --output YAML_NAME                  REQUIRED, Output file path (i.e "large.yml").
    -c, --config ( CONFIG | default )       optional, Config file path. If "default" is provided,
                                            use internal config file
    -s, --start-date YYYY-MM-DD             optional, must include -e, --end-date
                                                Start date (default is first day of last month)
    -e, --end-date YYYY-MM-DD               optional, must include -s, --start-date
                                                End date (default is last day of current month)
    -r, --random                            optional, default=False
                                                Randomize the number of
                                                    AWS: data generators
                                                    Azure: data generators
                                                    OCP: nodes, namespaces, pods, volumes, volume-claims
    -t, --template template                 optional, Template file path.

OCP Yaml Options:
    -n, --num-nodes INT                     optional, Number of nodes to generate (used with OCP
                                            only; default is 1)

OCP-on-Cloud Options:
    -c, --config ( CONFIG | default )       REQUIRED, Config file path. If "default" is provided,
                                            use internal config file
    -n, --num-nodes INT                     optional, Number of nodes to generate (default is 1)


  1. If --aws-s3-report-name or --aws-s3-report-prefix are specified they should match what is configured in the AWS cost usage report settings.
  2. For --aws-finalize:
    • copy will create a local copy of the data with a -finalized suffix and invoice id populated.
    • overwrite will generate a regular report with the invoice id populated.
  3. If --insights-upload is specified and pointing to a URL endpoint, you must have HCC_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID and HCC_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_SECRET set in your environment. Payloads for insights uploads will be split on a per-file basis.
  4. If --static-report-file is used start_date will default to first day of current month. start_date: last_month will be first day of previous month. start_date: today will start at the first hour of current day. end_date can support relative days from the start_date. i.e end_date: 2 is two days after start date.
  5. --static-report-file usage dates has a special full_period key value which will specify a usage for the entire start_date - end_date range.
  6. --ros-ocp-info when we generate ros data along with this parameter then we will be getting ros-ocp metrix too.


Example cost and usage report generation.

Example YAML generation.


Please refer to Contributing.


A tool for generating sample cost usage data for testing purposes







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