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Named regions
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Use names to make working with regions and application pointer tables
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mundya committed Oct 26, 2015
1 parent 9208c5f commit 03d78dd
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Showing 2 changed files with 241 additions and 30 deletions.
142 changes: 118 additions & 24 deletions nengo_spinnaker/regions/
@@ -1,8 +1,62 @@
"""Region utilities.
import collections
from six import iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues
import struct

def create_app_ptr_and_region_files_named(fp, regions, region_indices,
"""Split up a file-like view of memory into smaller views, one per region,
and write into the first region of memory the offsets to these later
regions : {name: Region, ...}
Map from names to region objects.
region_indices : {name: int, ...}
Map from region names to their index in the application pointer table.
region_args : {name: (*args, **kwargs)}
Map from region names to the arguments and keyword-arguments that
should be used when determining the size of a region.
{name: file-like}
Map from region name to file-like view of memory.
# Determine the number of entries needed in the application pointer table
ptr_len = max(index for index in itervalues(region_indices)) + 1

# Construct an empty pointer table of the correct length
ptrs = [0] * ptr_len

# Update the offset and then begin to allocate memory
region_memory = dict()
offset = ptr_len * 4 # In bytes
for k, region in iteritems(regions):
# Get the size of this region
args, kwargs = region_args[k]
region_size = region.sizeof_padded(*args, **kwargs)

# Store the current offset as the pointer for this region
ptrs[region_indices[k]] = offset

# Get the memory region and update the offset
next_offset = offset + region_size
region_memory[k] = fp[offset:next_offset]
offset = next_offset

# Write the pointer table into memory
fp.write(struct.pack("<{}I".format(ptr_len), *ptrs))

# Return the region memories
return region_memory

def create_app_ptr_and_region_files(fp, regions, vertex_slice):
"""Split up a file-like view of memory into smaller views, one per region,
and write into the first region of memory the offsets to these later
Expand All @@ -13,34 +67,74 @@ def create_app_ptr_and_region_files(fp, regions, vertex_slice):
[file-like view, ...]
A file-like view of memory for each region.
# First we split off the application pointer region
ptrs = [0 for n in range(len(regions) + 1)]
offset = len(ptrs)*4 # 1 word per region

# Then we go through and assign each region in turn
region_memory = list()
for i, r in enumerate(regions, start=1):
if r is None:
ptrs[i] = offset
next_offset = offset + r.sizeof_padded(vertex_slice)
offset = next_offset

# Write in the pointer table
fp.write(struct.pack("<{}I".format(len(ptrs)), *ptrs))
# Construct an ordered dictionary of regions and additional dictionaries of
# index and arguments.
regions, region_indices, region_args = _name_regions(regions, vertex_slice)

# Return the file views
return region_memory
# Allocate memory as before
region_mem = create_app_ptr_and_region_files_named(
fp, regions, region_indices, region_args

# Serialise the dictionary in the correct order and return
filelikes = [None] * max(iterkeys(region_mem))
for i, mem in iteritems(region_mem):
filelikes[i - 1] = mem
return filelikes

def sizeof_regions_named(regions, region_indices, region_args,
"""Return the total amount of memory required to represent all regions when
padded to a whole number of words each.
regions : {name: Region, ...}
Map from names to region objects.
region_indices : {name: int, ...}
Map from region names to their index in the application pointer table.
region_args : {name: (*args, **kwargs)}
Map from region names to the arguments and keyword-arguments that
should be used when determining the size of a region.
if include_app_ptr:
# Get the size of the application pointer
size = (max(itervalues(region_indices)) + 1) * 4
# Don't include the application pointer
size = 0

# Get the size of all the regions
for key, region in iteritems(regions):
# Get the arguments for the region
args, kwargs = region_args[key]

# Add the size of the region
size += region.sizeof_padded(*args, **kwargs)

return size

def sizeof_regions(regions, vertex_slice, include_app_ptr=True):
"""Return the total amount of memory required to represent all the regions
when they are padded to take a whole number of words each.
size = sum(r.sizeof_padded(vertex_slice) for r in regions if r is not None)
if include_app_ptr:
size += len(regions) * 4 + 4
return size
# Get the size as before
return sizeof_regions_named(*_name_regions(regions, vertex_slice),

def _name_regions(regions, vertex_slice):
"""Convert a list of regions into the correct form for a method expecting
three dictionaries describing the regions.
regions = collections.OrderedDict({
i: r for i, r in enumerate(regions, start=1) if r is not None
region_indices = {i: i for i in iterkeys(regions)}
region_args = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: ((vertex_slice, ), {})

return regions, region_indices, region_args
129 changes: 123 additions & 6 deletions tests/regions/
@@ -1,12 +1,94 @@
import mock
import pytest
from six import iteritems, itervalues
import struct
import tempfile

from nengo_spinnaker.regions.region import Region
from nengo_spinnaker.regions import utils

def test_create_app_ptr_and_filelike_named():
"""Test creating an application pointer table and file-like views of memory
from named regions.
# Create a file-like object which can be the initial file that we pass in,
# and wrap it so that creating slices of it creates objects that we can
# interpret.
actual_fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()

class Subfilelike(object):
def __init__(self, sl):
self.slice = sl

def __repr__(self):
return "Subfilelike({!r})".format(self.slice)

def __eq__(self, other):
return self.slice == other.slice

def _getitem_(self, sl):
return Subfilelike(sl)

fp = mock.Mock(wraps=actual_fp)
fp.__getitem__ = _getitem_

# Now create a series of regions with different sizes.
class MyRegion(Region):
def __init__(self, size, expected_arg):
self.size = size
self.called = False
self.expected_arg = expected_arg

def sizeof(self, arg):
assert arg is self.expected_arg
self.called = True
return self.size

# Create all the regions, region indices and region slices
regions = {
"A": MyRegion(4, mock.Mock()), # 1 word
"B": MyRegion(3, mock.Mock()), # < 1 word
"C": MyRegion(5, mock.Mock()), # < 2 words
"D": MyRegion(100, mock.Mock()), # 25 words
"E": MyRegion(32, mock.Mock()), # 8 words
region_indices = {"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "D": 4, "E": 6}
region_args = {k: ((v.expected_arg, ), {}) for k, v in iteritems(regions)}

# Now create the application pointer table and all the sub-filelikes
fps = utils.create_app_ptr_and_region_files_named(
fp, regions, region_indices, region_args

# Check that the size was called in all cases
assert all(r.called for r in itervalues(regions))

# Read back the application pointer table
pointer_table = struct.unpack("<7I",

# Check that the regions are the correct size and do not overlap
allocated_bytes = set()
for k, filelike in iteritems(fps):
# Check that the size is correct
exp_size = regions[k].size
if exp_size % 4:
exp_size += 4 - (exp_size % 4)

size = filelike.slice.stop - filelike.slice.start

assert exp_size == size

# Check that the offset in the pointer table is correct
assert pointer_table[region_indices[k]] == filelike.slice.start

# Finally, ensure that this region of memory wasn't previously assigned
used = set(range(filelike.slice.start, filelike.slice.stop))
assert not used & allocated_bytes
allocated_bytes |= used

@pytest.mark.parametrize("vertex_slice", [slice(0, 1), slice(100, 150)])
def test_create_app_ptr_and_filelikes(vertex_slice):
"""Test creation of an application pointer table and a series of smaller
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,6 +133,7 @@ def sizeof(self, sl):
MyRegion(5), # < 2 words
MyRegion(100), # 25 words
None, # No region
MyRegion(32), # 8 words

Expand All @@ -59,12 +142,13 @@ def sizeof(self, sl):
assert all(r.called for r in regions if r is not None)

expected_slices = [
slice(28, 32), # 7 words for the pointer table : +1 word
slice(32, 36), # : +1 word
slice(36, 44), # : +2 words
slice(44, 144), # : +25 words
slice(32, 36), # 8 words for the pointer table : +1 word
slice(36, 40), # : +1 word
slice(40, 48), # : +2 words
slice(48, 148), # : +25 words
slice(144, 176), # : +8 words
slice(148, 180), # : +8 words
expected_filelikes = [None if sl is None else Subfilelike(sl) for sl in
Expand All @@ -74,11 +158,44 @@ def sizeof(self, sl):
# correct.
assert == struct.pack(
0, *[0 if s is None else s.slice.start for s in expected_filelikes]

@pytest.mark.parametrize("include_app_ptr", (True, False))
def test_sizeof_regions_named(include_app_ptr):
"""Test getting the total memory usage of some regions."""
class MyRegion(Region):
def __init__(self, size, expected_arg):
self.size = size
self.called = False
self.expected_arg = expected_arg

def sizeof(self, *args, **kwargs):
assert args == (self.expected_arg, )
self.called = True
return self.size

# Create all the regions
regions = {
"A": MyRegion(4, mock.Mock()), # 1 word
"B": MyRegion(3, mock.Mock()), # < 1 word
"C": MyRegion(5, mock.Mock()), # < 2 words
"D": MyRegion(100, mock.Mock()), # 25 words
"E": MyRegion(32, mock.Mock()), # 8 words
region_indices = {"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "D": 4, "E": 6}
region_args = {k: ((v.expected_arg, ), {}) for k, v in iteritems(regions)}

# Now query their size
expected_size = 37*4 + (7*4 if include_app_ptr else 0)
size = utils.sizeof_regions_named(regions, region_indices, region_args,
assert all(r.called for r in itervalues(regions))
assert size == expected_size

"vertex_slice, include_app_ptr",
[(slice(0, 1), True), (slice(100, 150), False)])
Expand Down

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