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Gerald Jansen edited this page Sep 10, 2019 · 19 revisions

Merging two hamster.db files


Creating a dummy hamster.db for demo/testing

Original request here. You can easily create one as follows:

  1. stop hamster (eg. pkill -ef hamster)
  2. make a backup copy of your current hamster.db mv ~/.local/share/hamster-applet/hamster.db ~/bu-hamster.db
  3. restart hamster (which will create a new empty DB) and then enter some example activities
  4. stop hamster again and save your entries as a dummy-hamster.db mv ~/.local/share/hamster-applet/hamster.db ~/dummy-hamster.db
  5. restore your backup copy, then restart hamster cp ~/bu-hamster.db ~/.local/share/hamster-applet/hamster.db

Of course, to do testing/demonstration, you'd need to put the dummy-hamster.db back as ~/.local/share/hamster-applet/hamster.db, which is a real bother. You could automate this with scripts, softlinks etc.. However, it would probably be best to have a separate environment for testing/demo, say a dedicated userid or a separate VM.

Getting/setting preferences from the command line

$ gconftool-2 -a /apps/hamster-time-tracker
 stop_on_shutdown = false
 day_start_minutes = 240
$ gconftool-2 --set /apps/hamster-time-tracker/day_start_minutes --type=int 240 # 04:00
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