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Claudie and Sveltos integration

Claudie simplifies the process of programmatically establishing Kubernetes clusters from a management cluster across multiple cloud vendors and on-prem datacenters.

Sveltos is a Kubernetes add-on controller that simplifies the deployment and management of add-ons and applications across multiple clusters. It runs in the management cluster and can programmatically deploy and manage add-ons and applications on any cluster in the fleet, including the management cluster itself. Sveltos supports a variety of add-on formats, including Helm charts, raw YAML, Kustomize, Carvel ytt, and Jsonnet.

Install Claudie in the management cluster

To deploy Claudie in the management cluster, simply follow Claudie's concise [instructions](kubectl apply -f

At the time of this demo, this command is the only step required for deployment:

kubectl apply -f

Install Sveltos in the management cluster

To deploy Sveltos in the management cluster, follow Sveltos's instructions:

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Install claudie-sveltos

Claudie seamlessly provisions Kubernetes clusters and manages their lifecycle. Upon cluster provisioning, Claudie creates a secret in the management cluster containing the kubeconfig to access the newly created cluster.

Sveltos can effectively manage add-ons and applications in any cluster, including those powered by Claudie. It simply requires the kubeconfig information stored in the management cluster secret.

To seamlessly integrate Claudie-powered clusters with Sveltos, deploy an additional controller in the management cluster:

kubectl apply -f

This controller continuously monitors Claudie's secrets and automatically creates corresponding SveltosCluster objects. Conversely, when a secret is deleted, the controller ensures the corresponding SveltosCluster object is also removed.

Claudie and Sveltos in the management cluster

Provision a Kubernetes cluster on GCP

Full instructions can be found on Claudie website.

If you have a GCP project, recover the service-account key

gcloud iam service-accounts keys create claudie-credentials.json --iam-account=<YOUR SERVICE ACCOUNT>"

Create a secret in the management cluster using above information

kubectl create secret generic gcp-secret-1 --namespace=<YOUR NAMESPACE> --from-literal=gcpproject='<YOUR PROJECT>' --from-file=credentials=./claudie-credentials.json

Post the InputManifest

Provision a Kubernetes cluster on Hetzner

Full instructions can be found on Claudie website.

Get Hetzner API token and create a secret in the management cluster

kubectl create secret generic hetzner-secret-1 --namespace=mynamespace --from-literal=credentials='<YOUR API TOKEN>'

Post the InputManifest

Verify clusters are created

Run the following command to verify Claudie has successfully provisioned the clusters:

kubectl get inputmanifest                                    
NAME               STATUS
gcp-manifest       DONE
hetzner-manifest   DONE

Verify SveltosClusters are created

At this point, two SveltosClusters have been automatically created

kubectl get sveltoscluster -A  
claudie     gcp-cluster       true    v1.24.0
claudie     hetzner-cluster   true    v1.24.0

Deploy add-ons and applications with Sveltos

Sveltos can be used to deploy add-ons and applications

In this tutorial we added following label env: fv to both SveltosCluster instances.

Then we deployed two ClusterProfile instances, instructing Sveltos to deploy Kyverno and Nginx helm charts.

  1. Kyverno ClusterProfile
  2. Nginx ClusterProfile

Sveltos will deploy add-ons and applications. You can use Sveltosctl to verify helm charts have been deployed:

sveltosctl show addons 
|         CLUSTER         | RESOURCE TYPE | NAMESPACE |      NAME      | VERSION |             TIME              | CLUSTER PROFILES |
| claudie/gcp-cluster     | helm chart    | kyverno   | kyverno-latest | 3.0.1   | 2023-12-02 17:13:59 +0100 CET | kyverno          |
| claudie/gcp-cluster     | helm chart    | nginx     | nginx-latest   | 0.14.0  | 2023-12-02 17:14:19 +0100 CET | nginx            |
| claudie/hetzner-cluster | helm chart    | kyverno   | kyverno-latest | 3.0.1   | 2023-12-02 17:14:08 +0100 CET | kyverno          |
| claudie/hetzner-cluster | helm chart    | nginx     | nginx-latest   | 0.14.0  | 2023-12-02 17:14:17 +0100 CET | nginx            |

Add-ons deployment