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feat(github): backport pull requests (#3580)
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New feature for automatic pull request backports without using mergify.

By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
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mrgrain committed May 15, 2024
1 parent 2a07177 commit bd81018
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Expand Up @@ -2538,6 +2538,191 @@ public readonly project: Project;

### PullRequestBackport <a name="PullRequestBackport" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport"></a>

#### Initializers <a name="Initializers" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.Initializer"></a>

import { github } from 'projen'

new github.PullRequestBackport(scope: IConstruct, options?: PullRequestBackportOptions)

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.Initializer.parameter.scope">scope</a></code> | <code>constructs.IConstruct</code> | *No description.* |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.Initializer.parameter.options">options</a></code> | <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackportOptions">PullRequestBackportOptions</a></code> | *No description.* |


##### `scope`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="scope" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.Initializer.parameter.scope"></a>

- *Type:* constructs.IConstruct


##### `options`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="options" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.Initializer.parameter.options"></a>

- *Type:* <a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackportOptions">PullRequestBackportOptions</a>


#### Methods <a name="Methods" id="Methods"></a>

| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.toString">toString</a></code> | Returns a string representation of this construct. |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.postSynthesize">postSynthesize</a></code> | Called after synthesis. |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.preSynthesize">preSynthesize</a></code> | Called before synthesis. |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.synthesize">synthesize</a></code> | Synthesizes files to the project output directory. |


##### `toString` <a name="toString" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.toString"></a>

public toString(): string

Returns a string representation of this construct.

##### `postSynthesize` <a name="postSynthesize" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.postSynthesize"></a>

public postSynthesize(): void

Called after synthesis.

Order is *not* guaranteed.

##### `preSynthesize` <a name="preSynthesize" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.preSynthesize"></a>

public preSynthesize(): void

Called before synthesis.

##### `synthesize` <a name="synthesize" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.synthesize"></a>

public synthesize(): void

Synthesizes files to the project output directory.

#### Static Functions <a name="Static Functions" id="Static Functions"></a>

| **Name** | **Description** |
| --- | --- |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.isConstruct">isConstruct</a></code> | Checks if `x` is a construct. |
| <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackport.isComponent">isComponent</a></code> | Test whether the given construct is a component. |


##### `isConstruct` <a name="isConstruct" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.isConstruct"></a>

import { github } from 'projen'

github.PullRequestBackport.isConstruct(x: any)

Checks if `x` is a construct.

Use this method instead of `instanceof` to properly detect `Construct`
instances, even when the construct library is symlinked.

Explanation: in JavaScript, multiple copies of the `constructs` library on
disk are seen as independent, completely different libraries. As a
consequence, the class `Construct` in each copy of the `constructs` library
is seen as a different class, and an instance of one class will not test as
`instanceof` the other class. `npm install` will not create installations
like this, but users may manually symlink construct libraries together or
use a monorepo tool: in those cases, multiple copies of the `constructs`
library can be accidentally installed, and `instanceof` will behave
unpredictably. It is safest to avoid using `instanceof`, and using
this type-testing method instead.

###### `x`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="x" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.isConstruct.parameter.x"></a>

- *Type:* any

Any object.


##### `isComponent` <a name="isComponent" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.isComponent"></a>

import { github } from 'projen'

github.PullRequestBackport.isComponent(x: any)

Test whether the given construct is a component.

###### `x`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="x" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackport.isComponent.parameter.x"></a>

- *Type:* any


#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="Properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| <code><a href="">node</a></code> | <code>constructs.Node</code> | The tree node. |
| <code><a href="">project</a></code> | <code>projen.Project</code> | *No description.* |
| <code><a href="">file</a></code> | <code>projen.JsonFile</code> | *No description.* |
| <code><a href="">workflow</a></code> | <code><a href="#projen.github.GithubWorkflow">GithubWorkflow</a></code> | *No description.* |


##### `node`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="node" id=""></a>

public readonly node: Node;

- *Type:* constructs.Node

The tree node.


##### `project`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="project" id=""></a>

public readonly project: Project;

- *Type:* projen.Project


##### `file`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="file" id=""></a>

public readonly file: JsonFile;

- *Type:* projen.JsonFile


##### `workflow`<sup>Required</sup> <a name="workflow" id=""></a>

public readonly workflow: GithubWorkflow;

- *Type:* <a href="#projen.github.GithubWorkflow">GithubWorkflow</a>


### PullRequestLint <a name="PullRequestLint" id="projen.github.PullRequestLint"></a>

Configure validations to run on GitHub pull requests.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5499,6 +5684,8 @@ const gitHubOptions: github.GitHubOptions = { ... }
| <code><a href="">mergifyOptions</a></code> | <code><a href="#projen.github.MergifyOptions">MergifyOptions</a></code> | Options for Mergify. |
| <code><a href="">projenCredentials</a></code> | <code><a href="#projen.github.GithubCredentials">GithubCredentials</a></code> | Choose a method of providing GitHub API access for projen workflows. |
| <code><a href="">projenTokenSecret</a></code> | <code>string</code> | The name of a secret which includes a GitHub Personal Access Token to be used by projen workflows. |
| <code><a href="">pullRequestBackport</a></code> | <code>boolean</code> | Add a workflow that allows backport of PRs to other branches using labels. |
| <code><a href="">pullRequestBackportOptions</a></code> | <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackportOptions">PullRequestBackportOptions</a></code> | Options for configuring pull request backport. |
| <code><a href="">pullRequestLint</a></code> | <code>boolean</code> | Add a workflow that performs basic checks for pull requests, like validating that PRs follow Conventional Commits. |
| <code><a href="">pullRequestLintOptions</a></code> | <code><a href="#projen.github.PullRequestLintOptions">PullRequestLintOptions</a></code> | Options for configuring a pull request linter. |
| <code><a href="">workflows</a></code> | <code>boolean</code> | Enables GitHub workflows. |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5575,6 +5762,37 @@ and `packages` scope.


##### `pullRequestBackport`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="pullRequestBackport" id=""></a>

public readonly pullRequestBackport: boolean;

- *Type:* boolean
- *Default:* false

Add a workflow that allows backport of PRs to other branches using labels.

When opening a new PR add a backport label to it,
and the PR will be backported to the target branches once the PR is merged.

Should not be used together with mergify.


##### `pullRequestBackportOptions`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="pullRequestBackportOptions" id=""></a>

public readonly pullRequestBackportOptions: PullRequestBackportOptions;

- *Type:* <a href="#projen.github.PullRequestBackportOptions">PullRequestBackportOptions</a>
- *Default:* see defaults in `PullRequestBackportOptions`

Options for configuring pull request backport.


##### `pullRequestLint`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="pullRequestLint" id=""></a>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6405,6 +6623,126 @@ but is used when reporting information about a rule.


### PullRequestBackportOptions <a name="PullRequestBackportOptions" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackportOptions"></a>

#### Initializer <a name="Initializer" id="projen.github.PullRequestBackportOptions.Initializer"></a>

import { github } from 'projen'

const pullRequestBackportOptions: github.PullRequestBackportOptions = { ... }

#### Properties <a name="Properties" id="Properties"></a>

| **Name** | **Type** | **Description** |
| --- | --- | --- |
| <code><a href="">autoApproveBackport</a></code> | <code>boolean</code> | Automatically approve backport PRs if the 'auto approve' workflow is available. |
| <code><a href="">backportBranchNamePrefix</a></code> | <code>string</code> | The prefix used to name backport branches. |
| <code><a href="">backportPRLabels</a></code> | <code>string[]</code> | The labels added to the created backport PR. |
| <code><a href="">branches</a></code> | <code>string[]</code> | List of branches that can be a target for backports. |
| <code><a href="">createWithConflicts</a></code> | <code>boolean</code> | Should this created Backport PRs with conflicts. |
| <code><a href="">labelPrefix</a></code> | <code>string</code> | The prefix used to detect PRs that should be backported. |
| <code><a href="">workflowName</a></code> | <code>string</code> | The name of the workflow. |


##### `autoApproveBackport`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="autoApproveBackport" id=""></a>

public readonly autoApproveBackport: boolean;

- *Type:* boolean
- *Default:* true

Automatically approve backport PRs if the 'auto approve' workflow is available.


##### `backportBranchNamePrefix`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="backportBranchNamePrefix" id=""></a>

public readonly backportBranchNamePrefix: string;

- *Type:* string
- *Default:* "backport/"

The prefix used to name backport branches.

Make sure to include a separator at the end like `/` or `_`.


##### `backportPRLabels`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="backportPRLabels" id=""></a>

public readonly backportPRLabels: string[];

- *Type:* string[]
- *Default:* ["backport"]

The labels added to the created backport PR.


##### `branches`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="branches" id=""></a>

public readonly branches: string[];

- *Type:* string[]
- *Default:* allow backports to all release branches

List of branches that can be a target for backports.


##### `createWithConflicts`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="createWithConflicts" id=""></a>

public readonly createWithConflicts: boolean;

- *Type:* boolean
- *Default:* true

Should this created Backport PRs with conflicts.

Conflicts will have to be resolved manually, but a PR is always created.
Set to `false` to prevent the backport PR from being created if there are conflicts.


##### `labelPrefix`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="labelPrefix" id=""></a>

public readonly labelPrefix: string;

- *Type:* string
- *Default:* "backport-to-"

The prefix used to detect PRs that should be backported.


##### `workflowName`<sup>Optional</sup> <a name="workflowName" id=""></a>

public readonly workflowName: string;

- *Type:* string
- *Default:* "backport"

The name of the workflow.


### PullRequestFromPatchOptions <a name="PullRequestFromPatchOptions" id="projen.github.PullRequestFromPatchOptions"></a>

#### Initializer <a name="Initializer" id="projen.github.PullRequestFromPatchOptions.Initializer"></a>
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Binary file added docs/integrations/github/pr-backports-new-pr.png
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Binary file added docs/integrations/github/pr-backports-pr.png
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