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prom3theu5 edited this page Dec 8, 2018 · 3 revisions


Returns information about the currently active (selected) deck.
Arena: Current arena run ({class}): {win-loss}
Constructed: Currently using "{deckname}", Winrate: {win%} ({win-loss}), Decklist: {url}, Deck Code: {deckcode}

!stats {total|week|season|total}

Returns information about your stats for the given timeframe:
Played {#games} games with {#used decks} decks. Total stats: {win-loss}

!arena {total|week|season|total}

Returns information about your best arena run for the given timeframe:
Best arena run {timeframe}: {win-loss} with {classes}

!bestdeck {total|week|season|total}

Returns your best constructed deck (highest winrate) for the given timeframe:
Best deck {timeframe}: "{deckname}", Winrate: {win%} ({win-loss}), Decklist: {url}, Deck Code: {deckcode}

!mostplayed {today|week|season|total}

Returns your most played deck (highest number of games) for the given timeframe:
Most played deck {timeframe}: "{deckname}", Winrate: {win%} ({win-loss}), Decklist: {url}, Deck Code: {deckcode}


Links to a replay of your last game on


Returns download link for HDT


Returns download link for HSReplay