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AGAC-Track task 1

This repository is a practice for AGAC Track. The AGAC Task is part of the BioNLP Open Shared Tasks (BioNLP-OST: and meets the BioNLP-OST standard of quality, originality and data formats. The track has three tasks(task content is following), and the repository challenges task 1 until now. We used three methods to come true Named-entity recognition. One of methods is wapiti which a software based on CRF. Second method is Sequence labeler which is based on bidirectional LSTM .The last method combin above two methods named BLSTM-CNN-CRF which based on nerual network. In fact the BLSTM-CNN-CRF is better.

  • Task 1: Trigger words NER Recognize the trigger words in PubMed abstracts and annotated them as correct trigger labels or entities (Var, MPA, Interaction, Pathway, CPA, Reg, PosReg, NegReg, Disease, Gene, Protein, Enzyme).
  • Task 2: Themetic roles identification Identify the themetic roles (ThemeOf, CauseOf) between trigger words.
  • Task 3: "Gene;Function change;disease" link discovery Extract the gene-function change-disease link. For example , "Mutations in SHP-2 phosphatase that cause hyperactivation of its catalytic activity have been identified in human leukemias, particularly juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia.", from this sentence, the participants need to extract SHP-2;GOF;juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia.

Detailed information could visit AGAC Track website:

Environment Requirements


  • python 3
  • spacy
  • wapiti (best add to environment variable)

bidirectional LSTM

  • python 3.6
  • tensorflow 1.12


  • python 3.6
  • tensorflow 1.12

You could use conda to configure the environment easily.

    conda create --name agac_task1 python=3.6 
    conda init
    conda activate agac_task1
    conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.12 cudatoolkit=9.0(or conda install tensorflow=1.12 if you dont have a gpu.You can also choose the version of cudatoolkit according to your CUDA's version.)


data format

Mutations NNPS B-Var
in IN O
SHP-2 NNP B-Gene
phosphatase NN B-Enzyme
that WDT O
cause VBP O
hyperactivation NN B-PosReg
of IN O

AGAC-Track/wapiti/ could transform .json file to BIO format. It will delete special charater(like β and so on, if you choose -s F) and print to screen.

cd wapiti/
python -i ../data -o ./outtrain
-i input .json file.
-o output BIO file.
-s choose delete special character(like β) or not, F is delete.

And you should splite the BIO data to 7:3 (train data and test data for wapiti) and 6:2:2 (train data, test data and dev data for blstm-cnn-crf), randomly.


wapiti train -a sgd-l1 -t 3 -i 10 -p ./pat/Tok321.pat <(cat ./outtrain-0.7/*.tab) ./agac_train.mod
wapiti dump ./agac_train.mod ./agac_train.txt
wapiti label -c -m ./agac_train.mod <(cat ./outtrain-0.3/*.tab) ./
perl /public/home/zcyu/ref/NLP/2019SpringTextM/ -d $'\t' < ./ | tee ./agac_test.eval

You could change the parameter and pat file to adjust the result, detail information could see the wapiti manual:

Sequence labeler

You should divide your dataset into three files (train.txt, test.txt and dev.txt). Put them into the neural network.For pretrain, download word2vec You could congfigure some paramter in fcepublic.conf, and you should write your data path to it. And you could run with:

python config.conf


  • path_train - Path to the training data, in CoNLL tab-separated format. One word per line, first column is the word, last column is the label. Empty lines between sentences.
  • path_dev - Path to the development data, used for choosing the best epoch.
  • path_test - Path to the test file. Can contain multiple files, colon separated.
  • conll_eval - Whether the standard CoNLL NER evaluation should be run.
  • main_label - The output label for which precision/recall/F-measure are calculated. Does not affect accuracy or measures from the CoNLL eval.
  • model_selector - What is measured on the dev set for model selection: "dev_conll_f:high" for NER and chunking, "dev_acc:high" for POS-tagging, "dev_f05:high" for error detection.
  • preload_vectors - Path to the pretrained word embeddings, in word2vec plain text format. If your embeddings are in binary, you can use convertvec to convert them to plain text.
  • word_embedding_size - Size of the word embeddings used in the model.
  • crf_on_top - If True, use a CRF as the output layer. If False, use softmax instead.
  • emb_initial_zero - Whether word embeddings should have zero initialisation by default.
  • train_embeddings - Whether word embeddings should be updated during training.
  • char_embedding_size - Size of the character embeddings.
  • word_recurrent_size - Size of the word-level LSTM hidden layers.
  • char_recurrent_size - Size of the char-level LSTM hidden layers.
  • hidden_layer_size - Size of the extra hidden layer on top of the bi-LSTM.
  • char_hidden_layer_size - Size of the extra hidden layer on top of the character-based component.
  • lowercase - Whether words should be lowercased when mapping to word embeddings.
  • replace_digits - Whether all digits should be replaced by 0.
  • min_word_freq - Minimal frequency of words to be included in the vocabulary. Others will be considered OOV.
  • singletons_prob - The probability of mapping words that appear only once to OOV instead during training.
  • allowed_word_length - Maximum allowed word length, clipping the rest. Can be necessary if the text contains unreasonably long tokens, eg URLs.
  • max_train_sent_length - Discard sentences longer than this limit when training.
  • vocab_include_devtest - Load words from dev and test sets also into the vocabulary. If they don't appear in the training set, they will have the default representations from the preloaded embeddings.
  • vocab_only_embedded - Whether the vocabulary should contain only words in the pretrained embedding set.
  • initializer - The method used to initialize weight matrices in the network.
  • opt_strategy - The method used for weight updates.
  • learningrate - Learning rate.
  • clip - Clip the gradient to a range.
  • batch_equal_size - Create batches of sentences with equal length.
  • epochs - Maximum number of epochs to run.
  • stop_if_no_improvement_for_epochs - Training will be stopped if there has been no improvement for n epochs.
  • learningrate_decay - If performance hasn't improved for 3 epochs, multiply the learning rate with this value.
  • dropout_input - The probability for applying dropout to the word representations. 0.0 means no dropout.
  • dropout_word_lstm - The probability for applying dropout to the LSTM outputs.
  • tf_per_process_gpu_memory_fraction - The fraction of GPU memory that the process can use.
  • tf_allow_growth - Whether the GPU memory usage can grow dynamically.
  • main_cost - Control the weight of the main labeling objective.
  • lmcost_max_vocab_size = Maximum vocabulary size for the language modeling loss. The remaining words are mapped to a single entry.
  • lmcost_hidden_layer_size = Hidden layer size for the language modeling loss.
  • lmcost_gamma - Weight for the language modeling loss.
  • char_integration_method - How character information is integrated. Options are: "none" (not integrated), "concat" (concatenated), - "attention" (the method proposed in Rei et al. (2016)).
  • save - Path to save the model.
  • load - Path to load the model.
  • garbage_collection - Whether garbage collection is explicitly called. Makes things slower but can operate with bigger models.
  • lstm_use_peepholes - Whether to use the LSTM implementation with peepholes.
  • random_seed - Random seed for initialisation and data shuffling. This can affect results, so for robust conclusions I recommend running multiple experiments with different seeds and averaging the metrics.

Printing output

There is now a separate script for loading a saved model and using it to print output for a given input file. Use the saveoption in the config file for saving the model. The input file needs to be in the same format as the training data (one word per line, labels in a separate column). The labels are expected for printing output as well. If you don't know the correct labels, just print any valid label in that field.

To print the output, run:

python labels model_file input_file

This will print the input file to standard output, with an extra column at the end that shows the prediction.

You can also use:

python probs model_file input_file

This will print the individual probabilities for each of the possible labels. If the model is using CRFs, the probs option will output unnormalised state scores without taking the transitions into account.


You should put 3 files(train.txt, test.txt and dev.txt) at blstm-cnn-crf/data/agac_nospecial/

The parameter:

datasets = {
    'agac_nospecial':                                   #Name of the dataset
        {'columns': {0:'tokens', 1:'POS', 2:'chunk_BIO'},   #CoNLL format for the input data. Column 0 contains tokens, column 2 contains POS and column 2 contains chunk information using BIO encoding
         'label': 'chunk_BIO',                                #Which column we like to predict
         'evaluate': True,                                  #Should we evaluate on this task? Set true always for single task setups
         'commentSymbol': None}                             #Lines in the input data starting with this string will be skipped. Can be used to skip comments

# :: Path on your computer to the word embeddings. Embeddings by Komninos et al. will be downloaded automatically ::
embeddingsPath = 'komninos_english_embeddings.gz'

And run:


You could see more detail information on /blstm-cnn-crf/

Results (On test data)


processed 14257 tokens with 1071 phrases; found: 508 phrases; correct: 197.
accuracy:  86.67%; precision:  38.78%; recall:  18.39%; FB1:  24.95
              CPA: precision:  15.00%; recall:   6.00%; FB1:   8.57  40
          Disease: precision:  21.15%; recall:  14.86%; FB1:  17.46  52
           Enzyme: precision:   0.00%; recall:   0.00%; FB1:   0.00  1
             Gene: precision:  44.19%; recall:  12.58%; FB1:  19.59  43
      Interaction: precision: 100.00%; recall:  18.18%; FB1:  30.77  2
              MPA: precision:  12.50%; recall:   3.60%; FB1:   5.59  40
           NegReg: precision:  55.81%; recall:  40.68%; FB1:  47.06  86
          Pathway: precision:   0.00%; recall:   0.00%; FB1:   0.00  2
           PosReg: precision:  41.98%; recall:  25.76%; FB1:  31.92  81
          Protein: precision:  66.67%; recall:   5.56%; FB1:  10.26  3
              Reg: precision:  25.00%; recall:   6.35%; FB1:  10.13  16
              Var: precision:  46.48%; recall:  29.60%; FB1:  36.16  142

Sequence labeler


processed 13659 tokens with 658 phrases; found: 7 phrases; correct: 0.
accuracy:  90.01%; precision:   0.00%; recall:   0.00%; FB1:   0.00
              CPA: precision:   0.00%; recall:   0.00%; FB1:   0.00  

This result is too bad. We think it have two reasons. First, we don't have enough time so we run 20 epoch only. Second ,the model have some problem that have not been solved. We also need time to fix it.



Scores from epoch with best dev-scores:
  Dev-Score: 0.3284
  Test-Score 0.3927


  • We want to choose a model which can classify the sentences first because a word which have been labeled in some sentences may not be labeled too in another sentence. We need a model to identify if the sentence is what we need.
  • Bert is so hot now. It may be a good way to finish this work. we want to find a useful model which can combin it.
  • And a dictionary about biology maybe improve the result of NER. Sentence judgement is an import side, we need to consider it if we want to improve the ability of our models.


A note about Neural network for NER.

The method used the BLSTM-CNN from marekrei. Thank you for contributing this to the community.

The method used the BLSTM-CNN-CRF from UKPLab. Thank you for contributing this to the community.








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