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97 lines (92 loc) · 5.36 KB


File metadata and controls

97 lines (92 loc) · 5.36 KB


TODO: this is a little outdated.

|     InputStream                                               |
|     ===========                                               |
|          - Parses the input stream coming from a VT100        |
|            compatible terminal. Translates it into data input |
|            and control characters. Calls the corresponding    |
|            handlers of the `InputStreamHandler` instance.     |
|                                                               |
|          e.g. Translate '\x1b[6~' into "Keys.PageDown", call  |
|               the `feed_key` method of `InputProcessor`.      |
|     InputStreamHandler                                        |
|     ==================                                        |
|          - Has a `Registry` of key bindings, it calls the     |
|            bindings according to the received keys and the    |
|            input mode.                                        |
|                                                               |
|         We have Vi and Emacs bindings.
|     Key bindings                                              |
|     ============                                              |
|          - Every key binding consists of a function that      |
|            receives an `Event` and usually it operates on     |
|            the `Buffer` object. (It could insert data or      |
|            move the cursor for example.)                      |
    | Most of the key bindings operate on a `Buffer` object, but
    | they don't have to. They could also change the visibility
    | of a menu for instance, or change the color scheme.
|     Buffer                                                    |
|     ======                                                    |
|          - Contains a data structure to hold the current      |
|            input (text and cursor position). This class       |
|            implements all text manipulations and cursor       |
|            movements (Like e.g. cursor_forward, insert_char   |
|            or delete_word.)                                   |
|                                                               |
|            +-----------------------------------------------+  |
|            | Document (text, cursor_position)              |  |
|            | ================================              |  |
|            | Accessed as the `document` property of the    |  |
|            | `Buffer` class. This is a wrapper around the  |  |
|            | text and cursor position, and contains        |  |
|            | methods for querying this data , e.g. to give |  |
|            | the text before the cursor.                   |  |
|            +-----------------------------------------------+  |
    |  Normally after every key press, the output will be
    |  rendered again. This happens in the event loop of
    |  the `Application` where `Renderer.render` is called.
|     Layout                                                    |
|     ======                                                    |
|          - When the renderer should redraw, the renderer      |
|            asks the layout what the output should look like.  |
|          - The layout operates on a `Screen` object that he   |
|            received from the `Renderer` and will put the      |
|            toolbars, menus, highlighted content and prompt    |
|            in place.                                          |
|                                                               |
|            +-----------------------------------------------+  |
|            | Menus, toolbars, prompt                       |  |
|            | =======================                       |  |
|            |                                               |  |
|            +-----------------------------------------------+  |
|     Renderer                                                  |
|     ========                                                  |
|          - Calculates the difference between the last output  |
|            and the new one and writes it to the terminal      |
|            output.                                            |