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A Markdown-like syntax for writing prompts. Includes an in-editor playground.


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Promptfile (.prompt)



Promptfile is a Markdown-like templating syntax and playground designed to write and iterate on prompts easier and faster. Promptfile is entirely open-source and free-to-use.

Build and prototype your prompts where you and your projects live: VS Code.

The simple, human-readable syntax of a .prompt file makes it easy to understand and debug. To test your prompt, execute a single command and view the results of your request in the VS Code Playground.

Once your prompt is ready, call a function to load in your prompt in the language of your choice, a seamless and unobtrusive integration of Promptfile into your project.

  1. Read our documentation at
  2. Check out some examples in our examples repository.
  3. Download the VS Code extension to quickly run and iterate on a Promptfile.
  4. If you have any feature requests or bug repots, please file an issue
  5. If you are interested in contributing, would love to have you contribute. Feel free to read more about how to contribute.

Although we are an extremely early stage project, here are some of our current wishlist items for the project:

Language Wishlist

  • Adding Monaco support for .prompt files #200
  • Better diagnostics and error handling (for example #248)
  • Supporting more models, especially open source models
  • Supporting other languages that .prompt transpiles into

Playground Wishlist

  • Making the Playground more synchronous with your .prompt file
  • Improving visualizing version control of your prompts
  • Allow customizing the UI of the Playground

Project Wishlist

  • Supporting code execution for a function from localhost
  • More robust examples and complex use cases
  • Supporting people trying LLMs for the first time and open-source contributors

Apps and Packages

This project uses npm workspaces and Turborepo.


  • vscode-glass: VS Code extension for Promptfile
  • a Next.js/Nextra app serving
  • demo: examples of using Promptfile


  • glasslib: .prompt client library, including CLI
  • language-server: LSP server providing Promptfile intellisense
  • rig: a React app for the VS Code Promptfile playground webview
  • ui: a React component library shared by web applications
  • util: random utilities shared by packages/apps
  • eslint-config-custom: eslint configurations (includes eslint-config-next and eslint-config-prettier)
  • tsconfig: tsconfig.jsons used throughout the monorepo


npm ci
npm run build

Usually you'll want to launch the VS Code extension in development mode. Use the Run Extension launch configuration (F5 keybinding). This will automatically run the build step if necessary.


To run all tests:

npm run test

Watch mode

Several packages contain tests that can be run in watch mode: packages/glasslib, packages/util

cd $package
npm run test:watch


MIT © Promptfile