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This project consists of two backend services, such as customers and cart, which demonstrate a partial implementation of an online store. Both services require a JWT token for user authorization in most part of API points. cart service uses customers service for validation authentication data. Interservice communication is carried out using synchronous communication pattern with gRPC framework. Despite having a REST API points which would have been enough for communication via HTTP I decided to use gRPC because I have a lot of requests in cart service which needs to be validated in the customers service and the gRPC framework is generally more efficient than using typical HTTP requests. gRPC is built on top of HTTP/2, which can make multiple requests in parallel on a long-lived connection in a thread-safe way. Connection setup is relatively slow, so doing it once and sharing the connection across multiple requests saves time. gRPC messages are also binary and smaller than JSON. Further, HTTP/2 has built-in header compression.

The customers service provides the following functionality:

  • the ability of registration (creation) and authorization of users;
  • there is an administrative account that can retrieve all users list, change and delete any data (user is marked as is_admin = True);
  • the ability to retrieve and change user own account information, password or delete himself*;
  • the ability to validate JWT token sent from cart service via gRPC.

*only authenticated users or admins

The cart service provides the following functionality:

  • the ability to get a list of products with information about them (name, description, price);
  • the ability to get user own cart information or create it, if it doesn't exist*;
  • the ability to clear user own cart*;
  • the ability to add product to user own cart, in other words - create cart-item object*;
  • the ability to change the quantity of product in user own cart*;
  • the ability to remove a product from user own cart*;
  • the ability to send for validation JWT token to customers service via gRPC on each request.

*only authenticated users or admins

Each service has own database - PostgreSQL 13.5. Both services use the following packages:

  • aiohttp for asynchronous HTTP Server;
  • sqlalchemy for working with a database;
  • alembic for managing database migrations;
  • asyncpg as database driver (the fastest asynchronous driver for CPython);
  • aiohttp-apispec with marshmallow for describe schemas tha are used for validation, serialize/deserialize data and generation Swagger Specification;
  • grpcio-tools for gRPC Python tools;
  • pytest for unit and integration testing;
  • factory-boy for generate test data in tests;
  • flake8 for checking the code for errors and non-compliance with PEP8 standards;
  • pip-tools for working with pip packages;
  • and some others, please check out the in each service

To deploy this project, complete the following steps:

1. Development environment configuration

Create from templates and modify .env files (make sure you are in the microservices-cart-test folder):

# pwd
# /home/awesome_guy/projects/microservices-cart-test
cp .env.example .env && cp cart/.env.example cart/.env && cp customers/.env.example customers/.env

Set the SYSTEM_USER variable in root .env file for your user (run id -u && id -g in Unix).

2. Docker

To run services and databases containers just do (services images pushed to Docker Hub for ease of use):

docker-compose up -d

Or if you want to build images locally you need to create TLS certificates and run build script:

# pwd
# /home/awesome_guy/projects/microservices-cart-test
cp ca.key.example ca.key && cp ca.pem.example ca.pem

3. Run migrations

docker exec -it customers alembic -c customers/alembic.ini upgrade head
docker exec -it cart alembic -c cart/alembic.ini upgrade head

The project includes data migrations to fill databases with initial users and carts data. Migration in customers service creates 2 admins (, and 2 non-admins (, All users have the same password - testPass123. Migration in cart service creates carts with cart items for these users.

4. Optional. Additional files

If you want to see python files generated from protobufs for gRPC and avoid IDE errors, just run:

# pwd
# /home/awesome_guy/projects/microservices-cart-test
docker cp customers:/home/micro_user/protobufs/ .

Also, you can get generated requirements.txt file for each service:

# pwd
# /home/awesome_guy/projects/microservices-cart-test
docker cp customers:/home/micro_user/requirements.txt ./customers/
docker cp cart:/home/micro_user/requirements.txt ./cart/

Swagger Specification

In order to take advantage of the advantages of a swagger (such as auto-documentation and REST API client) visit the following links:

To use most REST API points, you need a JWT token, which can be obtained from the following API point in customers service: http://localhost:8081/api/v1/auth/login/

Then you can put it in the swagger authorization interface (click the Authorize button or lock icon). Use users previously created by data migration for everything you need.


Run flake8 checking in both services

# pwd
# /home/awesome_guy/projects/microservices-cart-test

Run pytests with coverage in both services

# pwd
# /home/awesome_guy/projects/microservices-cart-test

Most part of cart services tests is integration test, which requires availability of customers service. Bash script will check it availability before run pytest. Example of pytest session:


Stairway test

This cool method for testing migrations was borrowed from alvassin.

Info about stairway test

Simple and efficient method to check that migration does not have typos and rolls back all schema changes. Does not require maintenance - you can add this test to your project once and forget about it.

In particular, test detects the data types, that were previously created by upgrade() method and were not removed by downgrade(): when creating a table/column, Alembic automatically creates custom data types specified in columns (e.g. enum), but does not delete them when deleting table or column - developer has to do it manually.

How it works

Test retrieves all migrations list, and for each migration executes upgrade, downgrade, upgrade Alembic commands. See for example.

Stairway test