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Tiny User Project

Template for submitting TinyTapeout based projects to the Open MPW shuttle program.


  1. Generate a new project based on this template.

  2. Set GitHub Pages Sources as GitHub Actions.

  3. If using Wokwi:

    • Reuse or create a new Wokwi project.
    • Edit info.yaml:
      • In project:
        • Update wokwi_id with the last component of the Wokwi URL.
      • In documentation:
        • Update inputs to document the input wire of your project.
        • Update outputs to document the output wire of your project.
  4. If using Verilog:

    • Add your HDL code in verilog/rtl/.
    • Edit info.yaml:
      • In project:
        • Set wokwi_id to 0.
        • Uncomment and update top_module to match your top-level module.
        • Uncomment and list your Verilog sources in src_files (paths relative to the root of the repository).
      • In documentation:
        • Update inputs to document the input wire of your top-level module.
        • Update outputs to document the output wire of your top-level module.
  5. Commit, push and check the user_project_ci workflow summary (if successful a new commit including the hardened files will be automatically created).

  6. Submit your project github repository to the next Open MPW shuttle.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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