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Provenance Swift Wallet

provwallet-swift is a Swift framework for building Provenance blockchain Swift clients and transaction signing using Provenance Blockchain-compliant
(Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets) keys.


  • Provenance compliant HD Wallet
  • BIP44 coin type 505
  • Mnemonic recovery phrase in BIP39
  • BIP32 import and export
  • Sign Provenance transactions
  • gRPC client.

Installing via CocoaPods

Add the ProvWallet dependency to your CocoaPod pod file:

pod 'ProvWallet', '~> 0.0.5'


  • Integrate with iOS/iCloud Keychain
  • Utilize Apple CryptoKit over CryptoSwift if secp256k1 is ever available


This project uses CocoaPods for dependency management. Installation instructions can be found here.

Then, in the project directory run:

$ pod install

Next, open provwallet-swift.xcworkspace and build as normal.

Proto Generation


Install via Homebrew:

brew install protobuf
brew install swift-protobuf

The swift-protobuf formulae does not install the protoc-gen-grpc-swift plugin, only the protoc-gen-swift plugin. Use CocoaPods to download the Swift protoc-gen-grpc-swift binary. The binary is part of the gRPC-Swift-Plugins pod.

CocoaPods will put the files in ../Pods/gRPC-Swift-Plugins/.

Copy ../Pods/gRPC-Swift-Plugins/bin/protoc-gen-grpc-swift to protoc-gen-swiftgrpc at a location on your PATH.

For example:

pod install
mkdir -p ~/proto/bin
cp ../Pods/gRPC-Swift-Plugins/bin/protoc-gen-grpc-swift ~/proto/bin/protoc-gen-swiftgrpc          
export PATH=$PATH:~/proto/bin

Generate the protos:

cd Proto
rm -rf ../ProtoGen/*
protoc --swift_opt=FileNaming=PathToUnderscores --swift_out=../ProtoGen \
  --swiftgrpc_opt=FileNaming=PathToUnderscores \
  --swift_opt=Visibility=Public \
  --swiftgrpc_out=Client=true,Server=false:../ProtoGen $(find . -iname "*.proto")  

Deploying CocoaPod

The ProvWallet.podspec spec defines the CocoaPods pod specification for the ProvWallet CocoaPod. To build and deploy the provwallet-swift to the CocoaPods refer to the CocoaPods guide:

For example (from the root project directory):

pod spec lint ProvWallet.podspec
pod trunk register <your email address> '<your name>' --description='<your computer>'
pod trunk push ProvWallet.podspec       

HD Wallet Usage

Refer to provwallet-swiftTests for numerous HD Wallet test cases and examples.

Generate Mnemonic Phrase and Seed

let entropy = Data(hex: "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create(entropy: entropy)
// abandon amount liar amount expire adjust cage candy arch gather drum buyer

let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic)

Key Derivation (BIP39)

let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create()
let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic)
let privateKey = PrivateKey(seed: seed, coin: .bitcoin)

// BIP44 key derivation
// m/44'
let purpose = privateKey.derived(at: .hardened(44))

// m/44'/0'
let coinType = purpose.derived(at: .hardened(0))

// m/44'/0'/0'
let account = coinType.derived(at: .hardened(0))

// m/44'/0'/0'/0
let change = account.derived(at: .notHardened(0))

// m/44'/0'/0'/0/0
let firstPrivateKey = change.derived(at: .notHardened(0))

Create Wallet and Account

let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create()
let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic)
let network: Network = .main(.bitcoin)
let wallet = Wallet(seed: seed, network: network)
let account = wallet.generateAccount()

Import and Export BIP32

Import from BIP32

let wallet = try Wallet.init(bip32Serialized: "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2XojduRLQnU8D8K59KSBoMuQKGx8dW3NBitFDMkYGiJPwZdanjZonM7eXvcEbxwuGf3RdkCyyXjsbHSkwtLnJcsZ9US42Gd")

//yields m/44'/505'/0'/0/0
let account = wallet.generateAccount()

//yields m/44'/505'/0'/0/77'
let account77 = wallet.generateAccountHardened(at: 77)

Export BIP32

let entropy = Data(hex: "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create(entropy: entropy)
let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic)
let wallet = Wallet.init(seed: seed, coin: .mainnet)

let bip32 = try wallet.privateKey.serialize(publicKeyOnly: false)


With a New Wallet

let entropy = Data(hex: "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
let mnemonic = Mnemonic.create(entropy: entropy)
let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: mnemonic)
let wallet = Wallet.init(seed: seed, coin: .testnet)

//yields m/44'/1'/0'/0/0
let account = wallet.generateAccount()
let signature = try account.privateKey.sign(text: "HELLO")


let hashData = SHA256.hash(data: "HELLO".data(using: .utf8)!).data

let validSignature = try Crypto.verify(signature, hash: hashData,
                                       publicKey: account.publicKey.uncompressedPublicKey)


From Existing Wallet

let wallet = try Wallet.init(bip32Serialized: "xprv9s21ZrQH143K2XojduRLQnU8D8K59KSBoMuQKGx8dW3NBitFDMkYGiJPwZdanjZonM7eXvcEbxwuGf3RdkCyyXjsbHSkwtLnJcsZ9US42Gd")

//yields m/44'/505'/0'/0/0
let account = wallet.generateAccount()
let signature = try account.privateKey.sign(text: "HELLO")


Provenance Blockchain Client

Auth Query Example

Set up a gRPC channel pointing to a Provenance blockchain node, establish the signing key using Wallet, and submit a query:

    import GRPC
    import NIO
    import SwiftProtobuf
    import CryptoKit

    let group = PlatformSupport.makeEventLoopGroup(loopCount: 1)
    let channel: ClientConnection! = ClientConnection.insecure(group: group)
                              .connect(host: "localhost", port: 9090)

    let auth = AuthQuery(channel: channel) // Provenance Auth module query

    //Set up signing key from mnemonic using Wallet
    let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: "...mnemonic phrase...")
    let signingKey = PrivateKey(seed: seed, coin: .testnet).defaultKey()
    let address = signingKey.publicKey.address

    //Query base account from Auth module - returns a Promise so 
    //use a blocking .wait() 
    let baseAccount = try auth.baseAccount(address: address).wait()
    //Alternative query a base account using Promise when 
    let promise = try auth.baseAccount(address: address) 
    promise.whenSuccess { baseAccount in 
        // something with baseAccount...
    promise.whenFailure { error in 
        // something with error...

Transfer Coin Example

Set up a gRPC channel pointing to a Provenance blockchain node, establish the signing key using Wallet, estimate gas, and broadcast a transaction:

    import GRPC
    import NIO
    import SwiftProtobuf
    import CryptoKit

    let group = PlatformSupport.makeEventLoopGroup(loopCount: 1)
    let channel: ClientConnection! = ClientConnection.insecure(group: group)
                              .connect(host: "localhost", port: 9090)

    let auth = AuthQuery(channel: channel) // Provenance Auth module query

    //Set up signing key from mnemonic using Wallet
    let seed = Mnemonic.createSeed(mnemonic: "...mnemonic phrase...")
    let signingKey = PrivateKey(seed: seed, coin: .testnet).defaultKey()
    let address = signingKey.publicKey.address

    //Query base account from Auth module - returns a Promise so 
    //use a blocking .wait() 
    let baseAccount = try auth.baseAccount(address: address).wait()

    let tx = Tx(signingKey: signingKey, baseAccount: baseAccount, channel: channel)
    //Estimate gas
    let gasEstimate = try tx.estimateTx(messages: [bankSend]).wait()

    let bankSend = try Google_Protobuf_Any.from(
            message: Bank.buildMsgSend(
                    fromAddress: baseAccount.address,
                    toAddress: "tp1mpapyn7sgdrrmpx8ed7haprt8m0039gg0nyn8f",
                    amount: "77"))
    let txPromise = try tx.broadcastTx(
		    gasEstimate: gasEstimate,
            messages: [bankSend])
    txPromise.whenSuccess { response in
        // something with response...
    txPromise.whenError { error in 
        // something with error...

Additional Examples

Refer to the ProvenanceBlockchainClientTests.swift test file for examples.