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React Card Carousel

A basic card carousel for react, usable with items of either fixed or variable widths.

To play around with the example code, head over to the github repo and download the source. Change (cd) into the example/ directory, run npm install then npm run start. Open /example/src/__example.js to modify the carousel settings.


Instal the package via npm or yarn:

npm i -s ''
yarn add ''


import { useRef } from 'react'
import CardCarousel from ''

const MyComponent = () => {

  const myCarouselRef = useRef()

  const settings = {
    pagination: true,
    arrows: true,
    touchControls: true,
    buffer: 100,
    beforeChange: (currentIndex, newIndex) => {
      console.log('Before Change', currentIndex, newIndex)
    afterChange: (newIndex) => {
      console.log('After Change', newIndex)

  const carouselItems = [
      title: 'Carousel Card 01',
      image: '/path/to/my-image-01.jpg',
      alt: 'my image alt text'
      title: 'Carousel Card 02',
      image: '/path/to/my-image-02.jpg',
      alt: 'my image alt text'
      title: 'Carousel Card 03',
      image: '/path/to/my-image-03.jpg',
      alt: 'my image alt text'

  return (
    <div className='my-component'>

      {/* Optionally you can define your own completely custom buttons */}
      {/* <button onClick={ () => myCarouselRef?.current?.prevCard() }>Prev</button> */}
      {/* <button onClick={ () => myCarouselRef?.current?.nextCard() }>Next</button> */}

      <CardCarousel ref={myCarouselRef} settings={settings}>
          carouselItems?.map((card, key) => {
            return (
              <div key={key} className='my-carousel-card'>
                <img src={card.image} alt={card.title || card.alt} />
                { card.title && <p>{card.title}</p> }

export default MyComponent

Optional settings

Presentation settings

Property Type Unit Default Description
gap int px 20 Gap size between each card/silde
padding int px 50 Padding value either side of the main card slider
cardsToShow int n/a 0 Number of cards to display in one view. Set to 0 to inherit widths from card contents and support variable widths
transitionSpeed int ms 300 Speed of the carousel move transition

Control settings

Property Type Unit Default Description
buffer int px 50 A buffer for the edge of the carousel viewbox. If an item in the carousel overlaps the viewbox by this amount, treat it as visible and skip to show the next item on change
touchChangeThreshold int px 100 How far someone has to swipe on a touch device to trigger a change
pagination bool n/a false Enable or disable pagination
touchControls bool n/a true Enable or disable touch controls
arrows bool n/a true Enable or disable arrows
nextArrow html n/a false Provide custom markup for the next button
prevArrow html n/a false Provide custom markup for the prev button
yieldToImages bool n/a false Whether to defer calculating the overall container width till all images have loaded. Useful if images have intrinsic dimentions.

Event Hooks

Name Description
beforeChange Fires just before the change takes place, returns the currentIndex and the newIndex
afterChange Fires immediately after the change takes place, returns the newIndex


Name Description
nextCard() Change to the next card
prevCard() Change to the previous card
goToCard(index) Change to a specific card, ignored if card is currently in view (must provide an index)
getCurrentIndex() Retrieve the current index the carousel is at