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Regex Triggers

Joshua Cleland edited this page Jan 7, 2017 · 1 revision

Echo + Pure Regex!

Alright everyone! Something that was widely requested in Echo 1.x Is here!
Echo can parse and (for now) lightly manipulate content based off pure Regex!

First we need to introduce you to a new identifier in the trigger.
{:} identifier is used to let echo know your trigger will be Pure Regex
However, you still need to add the & trigger before hand. Let's check out the example below:

.auto &{:}(a{3})={init}
Hey {/user} you said aaa

Notice how we keep the Identifier & before the {:} this is important.

This time we are going to detect some special characters and than have echo replace them.

.auto &{:}[^][.,_'0-9a-zA-Z -]={init}

For now the manipulation is basic. But this will change as the system grows!
But what we're doing is having Echo detect all the special characters
like ~!@#$%^&*()+ however he ignores a few as well. _[],.space
And than he will post a message replacing each char with TEST

If you're newer to regex there are a few websites that can push you along.

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