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Gradle Cucumber runner

A gradle plugin for running Karate-JVM, taking inspiration from gradle-cucumber-runner, with a big thanks to @tsundberg

It trades Cucumber-JVM options with Karate-JVM command line implementation and forwards every call to


Add the plugin as well as dependencies for your project

plugins {
  id "com.github.prspal.karate-runner" version ""
dependencies {
    //Add karate gradle dependency
    implementation ''

The complete, and updated, instructions are availabe at the plugin portal.

Then run Cucumber with the default settings

./gradlew karate


Karate doesn't need any glue path, you can specify the following options:

cucumber {
    threads = '4'
    tags = ''
    name = ''
    format = '[html,json,cucumber:json,junit:xml]'
    dryRun = false
    output = 'relate/absolute path to reports'
    help = ''

    featurePath = 'src/test/resources'
    main = ''

The only setting with default values are

    featurePath = 'src/test/resources'
    main = 'cucumber.api.cli.Main'


The options available can be listed with the command

./gradlew help --task karate

More complicated expressions should be quoted to be forwarded to Cucumber.

./gradlew cucumber --tags "~@notme, @runme" 
./gradlew cucumber --tags "~@dont,~@notme, @runme,@alsome" 


An important part of running Cucumber is to be able to partition the execution using different tags.

Executing a single tag can be done like this:

./gradlew cucumber --tags @runme

(assuming that you have a tag for work in progress, @runme)

Karate supports multiple tags to be executed at the same time.

./gradlew cucumber --tags "~@notme, @runme

Doing so will forward the expression ~@wip to the option -tags and finally to Cucumber.

Running features in parallel

Karate like Cucumber supports parallel execution if you specify the number of thread to use. This can be done in two ways

  • An option whn running from a command line, ./gradlew karate --threads 4, this will run four parallel threads

Getting help

./gradlew karate --karate-help=please

This will call Cucumber with the argument --help. Unfortunately, Gradle requires that each command line option is followed by a value. It is please above. However, it could be anything.

Trouble shooting

Java 8 is required

The plugin is build using Java 8 and gradle must be executed with Java 8 or newer.

The karate command executed

Execute Gradle with debug to see the command that will be executed.

The printout is verbose, search for Karate command to find the actual command executed.


Gradle plugin providing taskrunner to Karate







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