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Adding Taxonomies

Paul Ryley edited this page May 16, 2017 · 1 revision

Example configuration for the "Taxonomies" field

You may copy and paste the following into the Taxonomies field in the Pollux settings.


  # [required] The names of the post types to associate the taxonomy with
    - gallery
    - post

  # [required] This is the Singular name of the Post Type, used to generate correct labels
  single: Project

  # [required] This is the Plural name of the Post Type, used to generate correct labels
  plural: Projects

  # [optional] By default, the menu name label is the same as the "plural" value.
  menu_name: My Projects

  # [optional] Default value is true
  hierarchical: true

  # [optional] Default value is true
  show_admin_column: true

For all other fields and their defaults, please see the available parameters at the official WordPress Codex.