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Win32-Mechanize-NotepadPlusPlus v0.003

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@pryrt pryrt released this 06 Apr 23:52
  • fix mistakes and missing information in the POD (#35)
  • add author tests for checking for autogen entries not in the message list, and also note scintilla messages missing from autogen that aren't manually implemented or deprecated (#34)
  • some NPP v7.8 messages were missing, so add them (#29) and add a make target to make that easier to do in the future
  • added version notes, to say which messages and enums require NPP v7.8 (because these are the SCI v4.2.0 updates)
  • runPluginsCommand() = fixed command cache feature and improved test (#30)
  • test suite: add delay in myTestHelpers to make sure there's enough time after Notepad++ started before trying to save the session (to avoid race condition with no files loaded yet)