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Create "Instagram Stories"-like background gradients for images

Vertical image


export interface IDimensions {
  height: string;
  width: string;

export interface IBackgroundGradientProps {
  src: string;
  options?: {
    // If no dimensions are set, the image will take up it's parent container 
    dimensions?: IDimensions;
    // Defaults to fitting the image in whichever direction will fit within the bounding box without being cut off,
    // if no bounding box is specified, it will fit to the longer side of the image.
    // If a fit is selected, will fit the image and add gradients in the opposite direction if applicable.
    fit?: "vertical" | "horizontal";
    // Alt text for the image
    alt?: string;
    // How accurate colorthief is at creating the gradients. 1 - 10 (1 being highest quality)
    quality?: number;


Vertical Image

Vertical image

<BackgroundGradient src="" />

Horizontal Image

Horizontal image

<BackgroundGradient src="" />

Wide Dimensions

Wide image

  options={{ dimensions: { width: "400px", height: "300px" } }}

Tall Dimensions

Tall image

  options={{ dimensions: { width: "300px", height: "400px" } }}

Force Horizontal Fit (of vertical image)

Force horizontal image

  options={{ fit: "horizontal" }}