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Molly - WebGL Molecule Viewer.


Molly is an application designed to render molecule on the web using WebGL.

Currently it can only render the chemical components found in PDB molecules, which are deposited at PDBe.


The database used by Molly was last updated on the 26th of January 2013.


How to use

Download the molly.js file in the appbuild_directory/js/ folder. This file is a minified file containing all the libraries Molly uses (except requirejs) and should contain everything needed to run the visualizations. (Alternatively, download the whole directory to get all the files, including the examples.html file, css file, etc.)

The example.html file shows how to use the application. Simply put the script tag in your page and create some HTML elements with molecule IDs on. You can either this file as a template or create your own. If you create your own, ensure that the script tag points to your copy of require.js and molly.js.

The below code shows the body the example.html file:

  <div class="container">
    <!-- With no scene parameters -->
    <div id="CFF" class="mmCIF-compound" data-mmcif='{"id":"CFF"}'></div>
    <!-- Or with scene parameters width and height -->
    <div id="CFF" class="mmCIF-compound" data-mmcif='{"id":"CFF", "width":"600", "height":"600"}'></div>
    <!-- Or with multiple IDs and multiple parameters -->
    <div id="CFF" class="mmCIF-compound" data-mmcif='{"id":"CFF", "width":"450"}'></div>
    <div id="11b" class="mmCIF-compound" data-mmcif='{"id":"11b", "width":"450", "height":"450", "stats":"true"}'></div>
    <div id="0ja" class="mmCIF-compound" data-mmcif='{"id":"0ja", "height":"450"}'></div>
  <script data-main="js/molly.js" src="js/vendor/require/require-jquery.js"></script>

Once the script is present in the page, all you need to do is create some HTML elements with the attributes you want for your rendering:

  • id: the ID of the molecule you want to display (REQUIRED).
  • class="mmCIF-compound": a class that tells Molly where to find the compound IDs (REQUIRED).
  • data-mmcif: data-attribute that tells Molly how you want to render the molecule (REQUIRED).
    • id: the ID of the molecule you want to display (REQUIRED). NOTE: This MUST match the other ID exactly.
    • width: the width of the rendered scene (optional).
    • height: the height of the rendered scene (optional).
    • stats: Three.js rendering statistics for the scene (optional).

If width and height are both omitted then Molly defaults to the window size. If either height and width are omitted the Molly uses the other value (height or width) for the value of the missing parameter stats defaults to false.


  • Be able to output details (name, molecular weight, etc.) about the compounds to the HTML page, if required.
  • Be able to render complex molecules such as proteins.
  • Have more interactivity and analysis tools, akin to a desktop molecule viewer.
  • Tests.

Tech used


See the LICENSE file


Molly.js - WebGL Molecule Viewer







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