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arduino library for simplifying the controll of a 4 digit 7 segment display driven by 4 74hc595 shift registers and an arduino. tested on an uno but should work on most avr boards.


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arduino library for simplifying the controll of a 4 digit 7 segment display driven by 4 74hc595 shift registers and an arduino. tested on an uno but should work on most avr boards.

created by Alex B. Vella sept 23, 2017

  • constructor -shift7seg(uint8_t _data, uint8_t _latch, uint8_t _clock) declare pins for controlling 74hc595 shift registers

  • main functions

    • load_data() loads data into registers displaying it on our seven segment display. overloaded to handle most variable types, this function uses a 500 millisecond delay() only when the data passed is larger than 4 digits/characters. the delay is there so that the data will scroll from right to left at a legible speed. check either the .h, .cpp or my example sketch for the different versions of load_data().

    • blank_display() clears data from buffers and turns off all segments of the display

    • err_display() displays the word Error 4 times , can be used to simplify debugging

  • constants

    • blank binary value for blanking individual digits
    • capital[11] holds binary values for uppercase letters, will be updating this array to account for some missing letters
    • lower[9] binary values for lowercase letters
    • numbers[10] binary values for numbers 0-9


arduino library for simplifying the controll of a 4 digit 7 segment display driven by 4 74hc595 shift registers and an arduino. tested on an uno but should work on most avr boards.



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