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Registry Settings

Patrick S. Seymour edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 3 revisions


The following settings can be configured in the registry to control the behavior of Make Me Admin. Settings should be stored in the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sinclair Community College\Make Me Admin

To enforce settings, you should use the Group Policy templates, which are located in the installation directory. However, policy settings can be manually set in the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Sinclair Community College\Make Me Admin

Setting Name Default Value Format Explanation
Allowed Entities empty REG_MULTI_SZ List of SIDs or names2 for users or groups that are allowed to obtain administrator rights on the local machine.
Denied Entities empty REG_MULTI_SZ List of SIDs or names2 for users or groups that are not allowed to obtain administrator rights on the local machine. Denials take precedence over allowed entities.
Automatic Add Allowed empty REG_MULTI_SZ List of SIDs or names2 for users or groups that are automatically added to the Administrators group upon logon.
Automatic Add Denied empty REG_MULTI_SZ List of SIDs or names2 for users or groups that are never allowed to be added automatically to the Administrators group upon logon. Denials take precedence over allowed entities.
Remote Allowed Entities empty REG_MULTI_SZ List of SIDs or names2 for users or groups that are allowed to obtain administrator rights from a remote computer.
Remote Denied Entities empty REG_MULTI_SZ List of SIDs or names2 for users or groups that are not allowed to obtain administrator rights from a remote computer. Denials take precedence over allowed entities.
syslog servers empty REG_MULTI_SZ See the Syslog Configuration page for a detailed explanation.
Timeout Overrides empty REG_SZ1 Specifies different timeout values for users or groups. For example, you can allow your help desk 60 minutes while allowing everyone else 15 minutes. The highest timeout value that applies to a given user wins.
Admin Rights Timeout 10 REG_DWORD The default number of minutes that the user will be added to the Administrators group.
Remove Admin Rights On Logout false (0) REG_DWORD Specifies whether to remove administrator rights if a user logs off of their Windows session.
Override Removal By Outside Process false (0) REG_DWORD Specifies whether to re-add a user to the Administrators group, if they are removed by another process, e.g., a Group Policy refresh.
Allow Remote Requests false (0) REG_DWORD Specifies whether to allow requests for administrator rights from remote computers.
End Remote Sessions Upon Expiration true (1) REG_DWORD Specifies whether remote sessions are terminated when the user’s administrator rights expire.

1 : Create a separate REG_SZ value for each user or group. The name of the registry value will be the SID or name of the user or group, and the value will be the desired timeout, in minutes.

2 : Names of users or groups should be in the format DOMAIN\Name. User principal names (e.g., will not work.
NOTE: If you are using local groups, DOMAIN should be either a single dot (.), the name of the computer (not recommended), or %COMPUTERNAME%.

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