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Dockerized Node.js App on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Continous Integration Strategy

Terraform and Jenkins scripts to setup AWS Elastic Beanstalk with dockerized load-balanced NodeJS app.

What these scripts do?

  • Build a Docker image with Node APP;
  • Publish a Docker image on Docker Registry;
  • Create a Clound Computing environment on Amazon Web Server;
  • Store Elastic Beanstalk environment informations on AWS S3;
  • Setup the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application with NodeJS, Elastic Loadbalancer to forward HTTP

Project repository

Node APP Sample

❗ General requirements:

  • Host with Linux Operational System;
  • Internet Access;
  • Wget, Git, Docker, Docker-compose, Terraform and Jenkins installed;
  • Intermediate knowledge on System Integrations, Cloud Computing, Application Deployment and basic understanding about Continous Integration.

Proposed scenario

Item Resource Chain Resource
Docker Image Build node_stg:latest
Docker Image Publish psgabriel/node_stg
AWS static resources VPC, IAM Security Group, Subnet, Internet Gateway, Route
AWS dinamic resources Beanstalk, S3 Autoscaling and Loadbalancer Policies

Beanstalk Environment:

  • Instance Type: t2.micro
  • AWS Region: us-east-1
  • Type: Loadbalanced
  • Autoscalling Instances: min 2
  • Autoscalling Instances: max 4
  • Autoscalling Threshold: NetworkIn > 18000000 bytes / 5min
  • Solution Stack: 64bit Amazon Linux 2018.03 v2.12.14 running Docker 18.06.1-ce
  • Deployment Policies: Health, Immutable or Rolling

Macro steps for manual process:

Without automation or Continous Integration

1) Build a new Docker image:

2) Publish the Docker image to a private or public repository:

In this example it was used the Docker Hub repository, but you can choose AWS or Azure Registry, Artifactory, Nexus, etc.

  • Dockerized Node App on Docker Hub:
  • Image of Dockerhub

3) Deploy of AWS Static Resources:

  • Initialize, Plan and Apply the main resources which will be used over APP life circle.
  • Image of Terraform sta apply

4) Deploy of AWS Dinamic Resources:

  • In this step, the Terraform will create a new Beanstalk environment to run dockerized Node APP.
  • Image of Terraform din apply
Note that the CNAME is set with the Web Server Beanstalk URL from Node APP environment

Continous Integration with Jenkins:

Automatic process to build, publish and deploy AWS resources with Jenkins.

  • Image of Jenkins Pipe

1) Create a new pipeline project

2) Run the job

  • Some options to customize the jorney
  • Image of Jenkins Run1

3) Check job status

Image of Jenkins Result
Jenkins stages:

  • Checkout SCM - Jenkinsfile read
  • Get App - Get NodeAPP Source
  • Docker Image Build - Prepare dockerized image
  • Docker Hub Publish - Upload Docker image to Dockerhub
  • Terraform Init - Terraform initilization
  • Terraform Plan - Prepare detailed AWS information about Beanstalk
  • AWS Resource buil - Beanstalk Contruction
  • AWS Destroy - Beanstalk delete, if necessary
  • Post Actions - Slack notification for Successed or Failed jobs

4) Beanstalk Up

  • The Beanstalk Environment URL will be sent to Slack channel.
  • Image of Slack Notification

5) AWS Beanstalk Console

  • Image of Beanstalk App
  • Image of Beanstalk Env

6) Full deploy and Node APP accessible by internet browser

  • Image of Beanstalk App



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