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Simon Bennetts edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 4 revisions

Action: Test your Context

At this stage you should have a context which we believe will handle authentication. Now we need to check if this is the case.

Action 1: Create a new Automation plan


  • The context
  • Add just the requester job

Action 2: Configure the requester

  • Double click on the Requester job to display the Requester dialog
  • Select the user
  • In the Requests tab click on the "Add" button
  • Specify a URL that is in scope

Action 3: Run the Automation plan

Action 4: Check if it worked

Look in the History tab - you should see one or more authentication requests followed by the request to the URL you specified.

Examine the responses to make sure that ZAP authenticated successfully - this could be as simple as checking the response to the request to the verification URL, but if you understand how your app works then you should be able to check more requests to assure yourself that it has worked correctly.