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psinnott edited this page Oct 19, 2011 · 15 revisions


  • a command line binary for sending notifications to growl
  • a library for integrating growl into you c or c++ based applications


Sending notifications from Windows / Linux / Mac is supported. Unixes in general should be supported but are untested.
Notifications may be received by Growl on Mac or GrowlForWindows on Windows.

linux /mac


If the environmental variable GNTP_DEBUG is set the tcp protocol communication is output to STDOUT.

C Functions

int growl( server , appname, notify , title , message , icon , password , url )

Send tcp notification. This is supported by GrowlForWindows , GrowlForAndroid , Snarl and MacGrowl v1.3.

  • server – hostname to send notification to , port can optionally be specified e.g hostname:80
  • appame – id for application sending notification
  • tite – title for notification
  • message – notification text
  • icon – optional url for notification icon or NULL
  • password
  • url – website to direct user to if they click notification or NULL

int growl_udp( server , appname, notify , title , message , icon , password , url )

Send udp notification. This is supported by both GrowlForWindows and MacGrowl v1.2

As above except icon and url are ignored.

C++ Objects

Growl *grow = new Growl( protocol , password , appname , notifications , notifications_count );
growl→Notify( notification1 , title , message );
growl→Notify( notification2 , title , message );

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