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Ask Anything!

Ask Anything! live

Ask Anything! is a full-stack web application inspired by Poll Everywhere. It utilizes Ruby on Rails on the backend, a PostgreSQL database, and React.JS with a Flux architectural framework on the frontend.

Main Question Form Question Example Question Response Question

Features & Implementation

Single-Page App

Ask Anything! is a single-page app; all content is delivered on one static page. The root page listens to a SessionStore and renders content based on a call to SessionStore.currentUser(). Sensitive information is kept out of the frontend of the app by making an API call to SessionsController#show.

Question Rendering and Editing

create_table "questions", force: :cascade do |t| t.string "question", null: false t.integer "survey_id", null: false t.datetime "created_at", null: false t.datetime "updated_at", null: false t.string "category", null: false t.boolean "active",

On the database side, the questions are stored in one table in the database, which contains columns for id, question, category, survey_id, and active. Upon login, an API call is made to the database which joins the user table and the the question table through survey_id. These questions are held in the QuestionStore until the user's session is destroyed.

Questions are rendered in two different components: the QuestionsIndex component, which show the question and links to the QuestionIndexItem component show page. In the component's show page, we can see the current status of the question as well as any responses that have been registered. This page has links to Update and Delete the question as well as other features such as toggling a question to active - making it available for other users to register their response. The SurveysIndex renders all of the QuestionsIndexs that belongs to it as subcomponents. The UI of the taken directly from Poll Everywhere for a professional, clean look.


Implementing Surveys started with a survey table in the database. The Survey table contains four columns: id, title, ungrouped, and author_id. Additionally, a survey_id column was added to the Question table.

The React component structure for surveys mirrored that of questions: the SurveyIndex component renders a list of QuestionIndexItemss as subcomponents. The front-end store, SurveyStore contains the data necessary for quick retrieval.

SurveyIndex render method:

render: function () {
  var surveys = "";

  if (this.surveysIsNotEmpty()) {
    surveys = this.mySurveys();

  return (
    <div className="surveysindex-container group">
      <SideNav />
      <ul className="surveysindex-ul">
        { surveys }


As with surveys, answers are stored in the database through an Answer table. The Answer table contains the columns id, answer, and question_id. The Answer table also acts as a join table for the Question table and Response table, which contains three columns: id, answer_id, and user_id.

Answers are maintained on the frontend in the QuestionFormStore. Because creating, editing, and destroying answers can potentially affect Question objects, the QuestionsIndex and the QuestionIndexItem both listen to the QuestionFormStore.

Future Directions for the Project

In addition to the features already implemented, I plan to continue work on this project. The next steps for Ask Anything! are outlined below.

Draggable Edits

Enable draggable functionality with dragula on question edit form to reorder answer choices quickly within the viewport.

Question types

Add functionality for different question types such as open-ended questions, ranking questions, and clickable images.

Speech Recognition

Add the annyang speech recognition library for responses to new question type: open-ended questions.