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How to open (exclusively) a given subfolder

pavel edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 7 revisions


Simply pass the exclusiveFolder GET parameter into the url.


The given value should take path relative to the user files storage folder.

To be clear, if user folder "/home/user/files/", the application will ONLY open the folder "/home/user/files/my/sub/folder/".

See also: Passing parameters to the FM

Permissions on folder

IMPORTANT: exclusiveFolder parameter restricts the view, but it can be changed easily by user just by changing parameter value in URL. In other words this method is not safe to prevent users for browsing the default root folder. This is not a permission mechanism. It just applies on displaying files.

If you interested more secure solution you have to use server-side restriction, that is completely connector-specific. Check out solutions for some connectors:

Combined usage

The use of exclusiveFolder parameter can be combined with expandedFolder option. Read about expandedFolder parameter