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Features and bugs fixing

Damien Gaignon edited this page Apr 24, 2019 · 2 revisions

Bugs fixing

  • Fix the station mode not starting as expected
  • Fix the message when station mode starts a.k.a the icon on the screen fix and not blinking indefinitely)
  • Fix the station mode when the expected AP do not exist by addind a timeout and FAKE AP name in the wifi menu
  • Fix USB console script to be able to connect to a serial line over USB (need a way to launch the script)
  • Fix some Wifi starts behavior and change the way wifi.conf file is taken into account
  • Add a conversion of EOL from Windows to Linux for wifi.conf file to avoid bad line ending

Features added

  • Add an event manager to react to events from the Yi (work only with Wifi or ethernet on)
  • Add a script to launch a script called at boot, only for Linux commands (different from autoexec.ash)
  • Add static IP address for station mode cause some people need it (Thanks to @lucky lin)
  • Add persistant wifi.conf file in the firmware to avoid lost of the SDCard or bad SDCard (Thanks to @lucky lin)
  • Add ethernet over USB driver to replace/complete wifi connection (start with wifi script)

Others related to the firmware

  • RTMP bitrate modification
  • RTMP resolution modification