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Nathan Tallman edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 5 revisions
  • Simple Works (MVP)
    • A work with one or more file sets.
      • No nesting.
    • File sets are ordered by identifier. [post-cordination]
    • File sets will not show up in search results, only works.
    • Descriptive metadata is attached to the work
      • Core metadata fields can be applied to the file sets.
  • Nested works (1.X / ?)
    • A work with two or more child works, not child file sets.
      • One ore more levels of nesting.
    • File sets may be attached to a work at any level.
    • Child works may be sorted by identifier so that they appear in order. [post-cordination]
    • Child works and file sets will not show up in search results, only parent work will display.
    • Descriptive metadata is attached to the work, child works, and file sets.

Simple Work or Nested Work?

Some examples are modeled as both simple and nested works. The main difference between simple and nested works is in the level of description. Nested works can have fuller and richer metadata.

Simple works can have multiple file sets, each with its own metadata. But, file sets cannot nest, so their descriptions are flat. Complex, hiearchical metadata requires nested works.

  • Simple works contain all their file sets in one directory.
  • Nested works contain two or more sub-directories, which include file sets.[SUBJECT TO CHANGE]