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IPython Magic for folium maps.

This extension provides magic form embedding maps in Jupyter notebooks using folium.

To install:

pip install git+

To load the magic in a Jupyter notebook:

%load_ext folium_magic

Then call as: %folium_map

To guarantee working with a fresh map object, use: %folium_new_map

The magic currently only works as line magic.

See the folium_magic_demo.ipynb notebook for examples, or run using Binder.


Create a Map or Build on an Existing Map

  • No arguments - create a default map; the magic return s a folium map object which can be rendered if the line magic is the last item in a code cell, or assigned to a variable; if the previously executed cell output (that is, the contents of the IPython _ variable is a folium map, that map will be used as the starting map).
  • -b, --basemap: pass in the name of a variable whose value is set to an existing folium map; to override the automatic reuse of previous maps, set -b None.

If a map is constructed from a previous map, if a new zoom level and/or new centre location is defined, those details will be used to plot the updated map.

Display Map

  • -l, --latlong: latitude and longitude values, comma separated. If no value is provided a default location will be used;
  • -z, --zoom (default=10): set initial zoom level;
  • -a, --address: specify an address (in quotes) and the map will be created, centered on that location, and with a marker locating the address.

Add markers

  • -m, --marker: add a single marker, passed as a comma separated string with no spaces after commas; eg 52.0250,-0.7084,"My marker"

  • -M,--markers: add multiple markers from a Python variable; pass in the name of a variable that refers to:
    • a single dict, such as markers={'lat':52.0250, 'lng':-0.7084,'popup':'Open University, Walton Hall'}
    • a single ordered list, such as markers=[52.0250, -0.7084,'Open University, Walton Hall']
    • a list of dicts, such as markers=[{'lat':52.0250, 'lng':-0.7084,'popup':'Open University, Walton Hall'},{'lat':52.0, 'lng':-0.70,'popup':'Open University, Walton Hall'}]
    • a list of ordered lists, such as markers=[[52.0250, -0.7084,'Open University, Walton Hall'], [52., -0.7,'Open University, Walton Hall']]

  • -C, --clustermarkers: add markers to a cluster; use the same marker convenetion as for adding multiple markers

If no -l co-ordinate is set to centre the map, the co-ordinates of the single marker, or the mid-point of the multiple markers, are used instead.

Display geojson / topojson file

  • -g, --geojson: path to a geoJSON file
  • -t, --topojson: path a topJSON file (likely to be very flaky atm...)

If no -l co-ordinate is set to centre the map, the mid-point of the geojson boundary is used instead.

Display a Choropleth Map

A choropoleth map is displayed if enough information is provided to disaplay one.

  • -g, --geojson: path to a geoJSON file
  • -d, --data: the data source, either in the form of a pandas dataframe, or the path to a csv data file
  • -c, --columns: comma separated (no space after comma) column names from the data source that specify: column to match geojson key,column containing values to display
  • -k, --key: key in geojson file to match areas with data values in data file;
  • optional:
    • -p, --palette: default='PuBuGn'
    • -o, --opacity: default=0.7

Adding Additional Layers

The magic can be used to add additional features to a pre-existing map.

For example, we can pass a folium map object in to the magic using the -b / --basemap parameter:

x = %folium_map -m 52.0250,-0.7084,"My marker"
%folium_map -b x -m 52.02,-0.708,"My other marker"

The magic will also reuse a pre-existing map if the last item returned from a code cell execution (that is, the contents of the IPython _ variable) is a folium map object.

To guarantee using a fresh map, use %folium_new_map rather than %folium_map, or use ``%folium_map -b None`.

Helper Magic

The %geo_suggester magic provides assistance for determing what columns may be appropriate in data files, and what properties may be appropriate in geojson files, when plotting choropleth maps:

%geo_suggester -g boundaries/iw.json

%geo_suggester -d data/iw_turnout.csv

%geo_suggester -g boundaries/iw.json -d data/iw_turnout.csv


IPython Magic for folium maps








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