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Dictionaries: refactor dictionaries code, clean up bd2b315
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In particular:
* Dev-mode translations are now slower (simpler, more thorough reloads).
  • Loading branch information
ptaoussanis committed Nov 6, 2013
1 parent 1b852db commit e143ba9
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Showing 2 changed files with 65 additions and 72 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
137 changes: 65 additions & 72 deletions src/taoensso/tower.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -302,7 +302,8 @@
:missing "<Missing translation: [%1$s %2$s %3$s]>"}
:en-US {:example {:foo ":en-US :example/foo text"}}
:en-US-var1 {:example {:foo ":en-US-var1 :example/foo text"}}
:ja "test_ja.clj"}
:ja "test_ja.clj" ; Import locale's map from another resource
;;; Advanced options
:scope-var #'*tscope*
:root-scope nil
Expand All @@ -311,61 +312,64 @@
(fn [{:keys [dev-mode? locale ks scope] :as args}]
(timbre/logp (if dev-mode? :debug :warn) "Missing translation" args))})

(defn- compile-dict-path
;;; Dictionaries

(defn- dict-load [dict] {:pre [(or (map? dict) (string? dict))]}
(if-not (string? dict) dict
(try (-> dict io/resource io/reader slurp read-string)
(catch Exception e
(throw (Exception. (format "Failed to load dictionary from resource: %s"
dict) e))))))

(defn- dict-inherit-parent-trs
"Merges each locale's translations over its parent locale translations."
[dict] {:pre [(map? dict)]}
(into {}
(for [loc (keys dict)]
(let [loc-parts (str/split (name loc) #"[-_]")
loc-tree (mapv #(keyword (str/join "-" %))
(take-while identity (iterate butlast loc-parts)))
;; Import locale's map from another resource:
dict (if-not (string? (dict loc)) dict
(assoc dict loc (dict-load (dict loc))))]
[loc (apply utils/merge-deep (mapv dict (rseq loc-tree)))]))))

(comment (dict-inherit-parent-trs {:en {:foo ":en foo"
:bar ":en :bar"}
:en-US {:foo ":en-US foo"}
:ja "test_ja.clj"}))

(def ^:private dict-prepare (comp dict-inherit-parent-trs dict-load))

(defn- dict-compile-path
"[:locale :ns1 ... :nsN unscoped-key<decorator> translation] =>
{:ns1.<...>.nsN/unscoped-key {:locale (f translation decorator)}}"
[raw-dict path]
(assert (>= (count path) 3) (str "Malformed dictionary path: " path))
(let [[loc :as path] (vec path)
translation (peek path)
[dict path] {:pre [(>= (count path) 3) (vector? path)]}
(let [loc (first path)
translation (peek path)
scope-ks (subvec path 1 (- (count path) 2)) ; [:ns1 ... :nsN]
[_ unscoped-k decorator] (->> (re-find #"([^!\*_]+)([!\*_].*)*"
(name (peek (pop path))))
(mapv keyword))
translation (if-not (keyword? translation)
(let [target ; Translation alias
(get-in raw-dict
(into [loc]
(->> (utils/explode-keyword translation)
(mapv keyword))))]
(when-not (keyword? target) target)))]
(when-let [translation
(when translation
translation ; Resolve possible translation alias
(if-not (keyword? translation) translation
(let [target (get-in dict
(into [loc] (->> (utils/explode-keyword translation)
(mapv keyword))))]
(when-not (keyword? target) target)))]

(when translation
(when-let [translation*
(case decorator
(:_comment :_note) nil
(:_html :!) translation
(:_md :*) (-> translation utils/html-escape
(utils/markdown {:inline? false}))
(-> translation utils/html-escape
(utils/markdown {:inline? true}))))]

{(apply scoped (conj scope-ks unscoped-k)) {loc translation}})))
(utils/markdown {:inline? true})))]
{(apply scoped (conj scope-ks unscoped-k)) {loc translation*}}))))

(defn- inherit-parent-trs
"Merges each locale's translations over its parent locale translations."
(into {}
(for [loc (keys dict)]
(let [loc-parts (str/split (name loc) #"[-_]")
loc-tree (mapv #(keyword (str/join "-" %))
(take-while identity (iterate butlast loc-parts)))
dict (if-not (string? (loc dict))
(assoc dict loc (-> (loc dict) io/resource io/reader slurp read-string))
(catch Exception e
(Exception. (str "Failed to load dictionary from "
"resource: " dict) e)))))]
[loc (apply utils/merge-deep (map dict (rseq loc-tree)))]))))

(comment (inherit-parent-trs {:en {:foo ":en foo"
:bar ":en :bar"}
:en-US {:foo ":en-US foo"}}))

(def ^:private dict-cache (atom {}))
(defn- compile-dict
(def ^:private dict-compile-prepared
"Compiles text translations stored in simple development-friendly
Clojure map into form required by localized text translator.
Expand All @@ -379,34 +383,22 @@
:example/with-exclaim! {:en \"<tag>**strong**</tag>\"}}}
Note the optional key decorators."
[raw-dict dev-mode?]
(if-let [dd (and (or (not dev-mode?)
(not (string? raw-dict))
(not (utils/file-resources-modified? [raw-dict])))
(@dict-cache raw-dict))]
(let [dd
(let [raw-dict
(if-not (string? raw-dict)
raw-dict ; map or nil
(try (-> raw-dict io/resource io/reader slurp read-string)
(catch Exception e
(Exception. (str "Failed to load dictionary from"
"resource: " raw-dict) e)))))]
(->> (inherit-parent-trs raw-dict)
(map (partial compile-dict-path raw-dict))
(apply merge-with merge) ; 1-level deep merge
(swap! dict-cache assoc raw-dict dd)

(comment (inherit-parent-trs (:dictionary example-tconfig))
(compile-dict (:dictionary example-tconfig) true)
(compile-dict "tower-dictionary.clj" true)
(compile-dict nil true))
(fn [dict-prepared]
(->> dict-prepared
(mapv #(dict-compile-path dict-prepared (vec %)))
;; 1-level deep merge:
(apply merge-with merge)))))

(def ^:private dict-compile* (comp dict-compile-prepared dict-prepare)) ; For dev-mode
(def ^:private dict-compile (memoize dict-compile*)) ; For prod-mode

(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (dict-compile* (:dictionary example-tconfig))))
(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (dict-compile (:dictionary example-tconfig)))))


(defn translate
"Takes dictionary key (or vector of descending- preference keys) within a
Expand All @@ -431,7 +423,8 @@
;; For shared dictionaries. Experimental - intentionally undocumented
scope (scoped root-scope scope)

dict (compile-dict dictionary dev-mode?)
dict (if dev-mode? (dict-compile* dictionary)
(dict-compile dictionary))
ks (if (vector? k-or-ks) k-or-ks [k-or-ks])
get-tr #(get-in dict [(scoped scope %1) (locale-key %2)])
Expand Down

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