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v0.7.15 (Derelict Dermodactylus)

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@DaneEveritt DaneEveritt released this 03 Aug 22:04
· 2549 commits to develop since this release


  • Fixes support for PHP 7.3 when running composer install commands due to a dependency that needed updating.
  • Automatic allocation field when creating a new node (or updating one) should now properly remeber its old value when showing an error state.
  • Mass deleting files now executes properly and doesn't result in a JS console error.
  • Scrolling on email settings page now works.
  • Database host management will now properly display an error message to the user when there is any type of MySQL related error encountered during creation or update.
  • Two-factor tokens generated when a company name has a space in it will now properly be parsed on iOS authenticator devices.
  • Fixed 500 error when trying to request subuser's from a server in the application API.
  • Creating a node allocation via the API no longer requires an alias field be passed through in the request.
  • Bulk power management for servers via the CLI no longer fails when servers span multiple nodes.


  • Server listing view now displays the total used disk space for each server.
  • Client API endpoint to list all servers now supports an additional ?filter=subuser-of|all|admin|owner parameter to return different groupings of servers. The default value is subuser-of which will include all of the user's servers that they are the owner of, as well as all servers they're a subuser of.
  • Added back ability to toggle OOM killer status on a per-server basis.
  • Added LOCK TABLES permission for generated database users.


  • Updated Paper egg to not download each time. parkervcp/eggs#260
  • Insurgency egg now uses the proper dedicated server ID.
  • Teamspeak egg updated with improved installation process and grabbing latest versions.
  • OOM killer disabled by default on all new servers.
  • Passwords generated for MySQL now include special characters and are 24 characters in length.

SHA256 Checksum

0beb6e5c5056255fc34eb199127a24d412bd66d3a6622b311b763adb14629c4b  panel.tar.gz