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🐛 BUG: Image resizing is not supported by wrangler2 dev · Issue #534 · cloudflare/wrangler2


Update the route in wrangler.toml to point to an image-resizing enabled zone.

(not a subdomain - don't know how to get wrangler dev working there)

$ npm install

# unsure whether `publish` is required first - probably!
$ npx @cloudflare/wrangler publish

Steps to reproduce

Test wrangler1 (known good)

$ npx @cloudflare/wrangler dev
$ open
# and click the link or add ?

Expect to see a short JSON response like:

  "width": 748,
  "height": 404,
  "original": {
    "file_size": 263301,
    "width": 748,
    "height": 404,
    "format": "image/png"

Test wrangler2

$ npx wrangler@beta dev
$ open

I see errorJson, because the script received content-type=image/* instead of JSON.

This is an example Cloudflare Workers project that uses Miniflare for local development, TypeScript, esbuild for bundling, and Jest for testing, with Miniflare's custom Jest environment.