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copystrap: copy encrypted data to a new computer
copystrap is a collection of shell and Python scripts for Unix to
conveniently copy data in an end-to-end encrypted way to a newly installed
computer. If scp or rsync works conveniently between the computers, then use
them instead of copystrap (more specific recommendations here:

In some setups it's not feasible to install the OpenSSH server, or the
direct TCP connection between the computers is prevented by firewalls, or
it's not convenient to copy the working SSH client credetials (e.g. private
keys or passwords) around first. In this case the copystrap tools become

copystrap contains the following scripts:

* ecplcnw: Uses the local network (wifi or wired) to copy the data. This is
  the most convenient method, but it has some restrictions: the
  sender and receiver must be connected to the same network (e.g. wifi
  router), and the router must be able to forward broadcast UDP packets.

  Abbreviation of: Encrypted Copy using the LoCal NetWork.

  Security notice: When the receiver asks you to compare the key-id, please
  compare (at least 8 hex digits) that the same key-id is displayed by the
  sender and the receiver. If you reply `yes' without doing the comparison,
  then an attacker on the local network will be able to received and decrypt
  the data. Also don't use the data in the receiver before comparison. If
  you use it, then you may be using data sent by an attacker (rather than
  the sender).

  To receive, run any of:

    $ sh ecplcnw receive >OUT
    $ wget -qO- | sh >OUT
    $ curl -Ls | sh >OUT
    $ busybox wget -qO- | busybox sh >OUT

  To send, run any of:

    $ sh ecplcnw send --id TRANSFERIDPREFIX FILENAME
    $ sh ecplcnw send FILENAME  # Insecure, anyone can decrypt it!

  The UDP port 48396 is used by the receiver to broadcast UDP packets to.
  The sender is listening on that UDP port.

* ecptrsh: Uses to copy the data and store it
  temporarily. Files uploaded to are end-to-end encrypted with
  ephemeral keys.

  Abberviation of: Encrypted Copy using TRansfer.SH.

  If the website is down, or you don't even want to
  upload encrypted files to a thrid-party site, use ecplmdr instead.

  To send, download ecptrsh first: run any of:

    $ wget -nv
    $ curl -LO

  To send, run:

    $ sh ecptrsh send FILENAME

  To receive, run any of:

    $ sh ecptrsh receive >OUT
    $ wget -qO- | sh >OUT
    $ curl -Ls | sh >OUT
    $ busybox wget -qO- | busybox sh >OUT

* ecplmdr: Uses a USB pen drive or any other manual file copy method to copy
  the data and store it temporarily. Files copied between computers are
  end-to-end encrypted with ephemeral keys.

  Abbreviaton of: Encrypted Copy using a Locally-Mounted DRive.

  Start the receiver first. The default receive locations (DIR) are any
  writable mounted filesystems within /media/ .

  To receive, mount your USB pen drive to DIR, and run any of:

    $ sh ecplmdr receive --in DIR >OUT
    $ sh ecplmdr receive >OUT
    $ wget -qO- | sh >OUT
    $ curl -Ls | sh >OUT
    $ busybox wget -qO- | busybox sh >OUT

  To send, download ecplmdr first: run any of:

    $ wget -nv
    $ curl -LO

  To send, move the USB pen drive to the sender, mount it to DIR, and run any of:

    $ sh ecplmdr send FILENAME
    $ sh ecplmdr send --in DIR FILENAME

Why is copystrap more convenient than SSH-based copy tools such as rsync and

* On a newly installed target computer, the SSH client credentials (e.g.
  private keys or passwords) may not be available.

* Firewall settings (e.g. those at home or in hotels) may prevent the source
  and target computers to connect to each other using SSH directly, thus a
  intermediate computer (with sshd running) is needed, and then extra encryption is
  needed so the data is not stored in plain text on the intermediate computer.

Why is copystrap more secure than copying the file to a USB pen drive?

* With copystrap all files being transferred are end-to-end encrypted, and
  only the source and the target computer see the plaintext.

Why is copystrap more convenient than copying the file to a USB pen drive?

* copystrap does the encryption with random ephemeral keys, so the user
  doesn't have to invent (or type or copy-paste) temporary passphrases.

Dependencies of copystrap:

* A Unix system: Linux, macOS, FreeBSD or something similar.
* (for ecptrsh) Python 2.7 or 2.6.
* (for ecplmdr) Python 2.7, 2.6, 2.5 or 2.4.
  If Python 2.4 is used, then the external hashlib package (from PyPi) also
  has to be installed.
* A Bourne shell. Bash, Zsh, Dash and Busybox sh all work.
* (optional) curl or wget for the single-command receiver.
* (for ecptrsh): The website up, working, and reachable
  from both the source and target computers without a HTTP proxy.

copystrap uses the following crypto:

* Curve25519 for key exchange (random emphemeral encryption key
  generation) between the sender and the receiver.
* ChaCha20 for encrypting and decrypting with the emphemeral key.
* SHA-256 for detecting corruption and modification.

Steps of a copystrap run:

1. (manual) The receiver is started.

2. The receiver generates a Curve25519 public key.

3. (manual) The receiver's public key is copied to the sender.

4. The sender also generates a Curve25519 public key, and encrypts the data
   with the emphemeral key.

5. The sender exits, forgetting all keys.

6. (manual) The encrypted data and the sender's public key are copied to the

7. The receiver decrypts the encrypted data and prints the plaintext to
   standard output.

8. The receiver exits, forgetting all keys.

Is it possible to transfer a large data blob with copystrap?

* The encryption overhead on data size is small (less than 200 bytes).

* has a file size limit of 5 GB.

* Your USB pen drive may not have enough free space available.

* The pure Python implementation of ChaCha20 may be too slow for data longer
  than a few MB.

* copystrap keeps 4 copies of the data in memory, so the source or target
  computer may run out of local memory.



copy encrypted data to a new computer






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