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Releases: pubby/mapfab

MapFab 0.4

22 Oct 13:56
Choose a tag to compare


This release improves MapFab's handling of objects.

MapFab 0.3

18 Sep 03:54
Choose a tag to compare


This release contains a few bugfixes and a single new feature.

Select by Usage

This command highlights all tiles below a specific usage count (a count of 0 means it finds unused tiles). It provides a visual aid to those wanting to optimize their data.

MapFab 0.2

28 Aug 22:44
Choose a tag to compare

This release fixes a few bugs, along with the following features:

JSON Support

You can now save projects as .json. Note that it's not recommended to use both .json and .mapfab for a single project. Instead, pick one and stick with it.

Level Grid

A grid can now be displayed on the level tab to make level designs easier.

Collision Toggle

You can now toggle if collisions are displayed or hidden.

Coordinate Information

The bottom of the screen now contains text describing the mouse position and the tile indexes.

MapFab 0.1

04 Aug 00:11
Choose a tag to compare

This is the first release of MapFab: a NES level editor.