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Robb Shecter edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

Notes on determining "known words"

Schooling and workshop are easy words according to the text but are not in Checking with the book, it's the same as the python file:

"schooling" is not in the easy words list on p. 26. "school" is, though. "workshop" is not in the list (p. 29). "work" is. (?)

On p. 16 is the note:

Consider as known words on the list with endings indicated in parentheses and words with the following endings, even though they are not noted in parentheses:
-'s, -s, -es, -ies; -d, -ed, -ied, -ing; -r, -er, -est, -ier, -est.
(For further instructions, see pages 13–15.)

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