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Oi, Grandad! Quick Guide

Rick edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 38 revisions

Oi, Grandad! consists of four voices with identical controls. In most cases, these controls can be modulated using the step sequencers or the internal tracking. When a control can be modulated, a menu ​to select the modulator and an attenuator to set the mod amount will be displayed next to it.

enter image description here

The voice:

The granular section

  • Waveform: Displays the loaded sample. To load a different sample, drag it on this area or right click to open a browser window.
  • Position: Determines the position of the grain.
  • Grain: Determines the size of the grain.
  • Spread: spreads the grains
  • Density: Sets the number of overlapping grains
  • Detune: Offsets the pitch of the grains
  • Pitch: The pitch of the sound. The switch "syncs" pitch to the project tempo, the small knob divides the clock value.


The granular section

A Standard multimode filter with modulation and the unusual addition of a mix control


The granular section

  • Vol: The loudness of the voice
  • Pan: The position in the stereo image
  • ADSR: A simple amplitude envelope
  • Out: Sets the output channel when using the Multichannel plugin
  • Mod Out: increases the modulation gain of the voices


The granular section

  • Time: The delay time
  • Feed: Feedback
  • Mix: Mix between a dry and wet signal
  • Sync: Sync the delay to project tempo

The Modulators

Oi, Grandad! features 12 flexible modulators. Depending on how they are configured they can act as envelopes, LFOs envelope followers or step sequencers.

The sequencers

  • Tempo: Sets the tempo
  • Multi: Divides the clock
  • Mod: Modulates the tempo
  • Trig: Determines the trigger source
  • Dir: Switch between forwards and backards
  • One: One shot mode, the modulator will not repeat once it has completed it's cycle.
  • Type: Selects between a graph, or step modulator

The sequencers

When in graph mode right click removes selected points, holding the right mouse button introduces a curve. When in step mode, right click creates "ruler", allowing you to draw straight lines.


The sequencers

Drone: Plays a sustained note

The sequencers

Presets: Opens the presets page

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