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Publisher Standalone Integration Checklist

Eros edited this page May 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

All the following points must have been checked out to confirm a successful integration:

SDK integration and initialisation

Targeting (has an impact on fill rate and bid prices)

  • Enable the COPPA flag only if the app is intended for children.
  • Check the state of the GDPR or CCPA consent on your app. If you have any 3rd party IAB compliant Consent Management Platform (CMP), our SDK will pick up on the state of the consent string, therefore some data could be anonymised.

Integration troubleshooting

  • No ad views, interstitial or rewarded ads are created before the HyBid SDK has finished initialising.
  • No ad requests are made before the HyBid SDK has finished initialising.
  • Use different log levels on the app to see any error messages in the Android Studio Logcat.
  • Check on Android Studio Profiler or Charles Proxy that the SDK requests are going out without errors. The url looks like
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