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Jaggr - the Jenkins aggregator


Jaggr is a build monitor for Jenkins that makes use of the Jenkins Claim plugin . It shows a single aggregated status (red, yellow, green) for all jobs of a project and takes claimed builds into account.


Most Jenkins jobs are owned by the whole team and should never be broken for a long time. Many teams have a "stop the world"-agreement to fix broken builds before doing anything else.

However, there are less critical jobs, like build jobs for experimental branches or long living feature branches owned by individual developers, where a failed job should not stop the world.

The Jenkins Claim plugin can help with the team-owned jobs: Jenkins jobs can be configured to be claimable, so any developer can claim a broken build, telling the others that they can continue doing something else.

Unfortunately, this is not reflected in the build monitors. Failed jobs owned by individuals cannot be distinguished from problems that the whole team should handle. Claimed builds cannot be distinguished from unclaimed builds. Developers get used to seeing lots of red end yellow jobs on their build monitor, hoping somebody else cares.

Jaggr tries to solve this problem.

Claims and job status semantics

Jaggr presumes, that all critical, team-owned jobs are configured to be claimable, so one team member can claim a broken build and all others can continue working. Non-critical jobs should be not claimable, since there is no full team ownership.

Jaggr will watch all claimable jobs of a given project and show an overall status for all jobs:

  • RED

    At least one job has failed (status red or yellow) and the broken build has not been claimed. Stop work immediately until somebody claims the broken build.


    Some jobs have failed, but all of them have been claimed. Claimers fix the broken builds, everybody else checks in and merges with extra care.


    Hooray, all jobs that are in your teams responsibility, are in a healthy state!

Installation and usage


Install the Jenkins Claim plugin

Make all team-owned jobs claimable


Install java

Download the latest Jaggr release

In the project base directory:

java -jar jaggr-<version>-standalone.jar

In your browser, go to http://localhost:3000/config and provide a Jenkins URL. If your Jenkins instance is configured to accept only authenticated clients, also provide a user name and a user token. The user token can be obtained from the Configuration page in your Jenkins user profile.

Configuration options

You can configure Jaggr with command line parameters:

java -jar jaggr-<version>-standalone.jar --base-url http://my-jenkins:8081/jenkins/my-project/ -- user jenkins-user --user-token ABDCE12345

If you don't want to type the config parameters repeatedly, you can also create a file named default.config (or copy and rename example.config ) and set the parameters there:

   :user             "my-user"
   :user-token       "xyzabcdef"
   :base-url         "http://my-jenkins:8081/jenkins/my-project/"


--base-url           - The Jenkins URL that shows all jobs to monitor. Required.
--acc-insecure-conn  - Should insecure connections to Jenkins accepted? Default: false
--user               - A Jenkins user that has access to the base url.
--user-token         - The users access token (see 'Configuration' page in your Jenkins user profile).
--config-file        - A file containing config parameters. Default: default.config
--port               - The port. Default: 3000
--refresh-rate       - The time between two automatic page reloads in seconds. Default: 60
--image-url          - A URL that serves a background image (unless a more specific one can be found in the file system). Default:
--image-url-error    - A URL that serves a background image for error screens. Overrides the image-url parameter.).
--image-url-green    - A URL that serves a background image for green screens. Overrides the image-url parameter.).
--image-url-red      - A URL that serves a background image for red screens. Overrides the image-url parameter.).
--image-url-yellow   - A URL that serves a background image for yellow screens. Overrides the image-url parameter.).

All parameters can also be specified as environment variables (USER, USER_TOKEN, BASE_URL, ...)

Parameters specified via the command line override config file parameters. Config file parameters override environment variables.

Background images

Background images are automatically loaded from Other URLs can be configured - either globally or for specific pages (red, yellow, green, error).

You can also provide custom images by putting them in the file system next to the executable into folders images/red, images/yellow, images/green or images/error. Images are selected randomly.


Build Status Dependencies Status Coverage Status Issue Count


Run in DEV mode

Set environment variable BASE_URL (and USER and USER_TOKEN if required) or provide a default.config file (see above)

Build and start the server with leiningen:

lein ring server

Changes in the code will be visible in the browser after a page reload.


You can build the executable jar with

lein uberjar


Contributions welcome!

There is also a Trello board for features and ideas.


Copyright (C) 2016 Steffen Frank

licensed under the Eclipse Public License


The logo is based on an illustration by thanks to Schorsch and Marcus!

Thanks to Hinnerk for the custom background image feature!