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pufferfish-tech committed Dec 4, 2019
1 parent 3d06dc6 commit 19e4960
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Showing 3 changed files with 355 additions and 0 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# sets up the db; run this script once. ever.

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('octoprice.sqlite')

cursor = conn.cursor()
# price data is split into half hour buckets; so 5am is hour = 5, segment = 0,
# and 5:30 would be hour = 5, segment = 1

cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE prices (year INTEGER, month INTEGER, day INTEGER, hour INTEGER, segment INTEGER, price REAL)')

284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
# this is the script you run every half hour by cron, best done about 20-30 seconds after the half hour to ensure
# that the right datetime is read in.
# For example ---> */30 * * * * sleep 20; /usr/bin/python3 > /home/pi/cron.log

# This script *won't work* unless you have created a db (python3
# And run (python3 at least once in the last 'n' hours (n is variable, it updates 4pm every day)
# You also need to update to include your own API access credentials and tariff.

from inky import InkyPHAT
#from font_hanken_grotesk import HankenGroteskBold, HankenGroteskMedium # should you choose to switch to gross fonts
#from font_intuitive import Intuitive
from font_fredoka_one import FredokaOne # this is the font we're currently using
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('octoprice.sqlite')
cur = conn.cursor()
import datetime

## -- Display type = red. Change below if you have the yellow
inky_display = InkyPHAT("red")
## -- ----------------------------------------------------

img ="P", (inky_display.WIDTH, inky_display.HEIGHT))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

# find current time and convert to year month day etc
the_now =
the_year = the_now.year
the_month = the_now.month
the_hour = the_now.hour
the_day =
if the_now.minute < 30:
the_segment = 0
the_segment = 1

print ('segment:')
print (the_segment)

# select from db where record == the above
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE year=? AND month=? AND day=? AND hour=? AND segment=?",
(the_year, the_month, the_day, the_hour, the_segment))

rows = cur.fetchall()

for row in rows:

# get price
current_price = row[5] # literally this is hardcoded tuple. DONT ADD ANY EXTRA FIELDS TO THAT TABLE on the sqlite db or you'll get something that isn't price.

# Find Next Price
# find current time and convert to year month day etc
the_now =
now_plus_10 = the_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 30)
the_year = now_plus_10.year
the_month = now_plus_10.month
the_hour = now_plus_10.hour
the_day =
if now_plus_10.minute < 30:
the_segment = 0
the_segment = 1

print ('segment+1:')
print (the_segment)

# select from db where record == the above
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE year=? AND month=? AND day=? AND hour=? AND segment=?",
(the_year, the_month, the_day, the_hour, the_segment))

rows = cur.fetchall()

for row in rows:

# get price
next_price = row[5] # literally this is peak tuple. DONT ADD ANY EXTRA FIELDS TO THAT TABLE

# Find Next+1 Price
# find current time and convert to year month day etc
the_now =
now_plus_10 = the_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 60)
the_year = now_plus_10.year
the_month = now_plus_10.month
the_hour = now_plus_10.hour
the_day =
if now_plus_10.minute < 30:
the_segment = 0
the_segment = 1

print ('segment:')
print (the_segment)

# select from db where record = ^
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE year=? AND month=? AND day=? AND hour=? AND segment=?",
(the_year, the_month, the_day, the_hour, the_segment))

rows = cur.fetchall()

for row in rows:

# get price
nextp1_price = row[5] # literally this is peak tuple. DONT ADD ANY EXTRA FIELDS TO THAT TABLE

# Find Next+2 Price
# find current time and convert to year month day etc
the_now =
now_plus_10 = the_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes = 90)
the_year = now_plus_10.year
the_month = now_plus_10.month
the_hour = now_plus_10.hour
the_day =
if now_plus_10.minute < 30:
the_segment = 0
the_segment = 1

print ('segment:')
print (the_segment)

# select from db where record == the above
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE year=? AND month=? AND day=? AND hour=? AND segment=?",
(the_year, the_month, the_day, the_hour, the_segment))
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
# get price
nextp2_price = row[5] # literally this is peak tuple. DONT ADD ANY EXTRA FIELDS TO THAT TABLE

# attempt to make an list of the next 42 hours of values
prices = []
for offset in range(0, 48): ##24h = 48 segments
min_offset = 30 * offset
the_now =
now_plus_offset = the_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=min_offset)
the_year = now_plus_offset.year
the_month = now_plus_offset.month
the_hour = now_plus_offset.hour
the_day =
if now_plus_offset.minute < 30:
the_segment = 0
the_segment = 1
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE year=? AND month=? AND day=? AND hour=? AND segment=?",
(the_year, the_month, the_day, the_hour, the_segment))
# rows = cur.fetchall()
# get price
row = cur.fetchone()
if row is None:
prices.append(0) # we don't have that price yet!

font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 60)
message = "{0:.1f}".format(current_price) + "p"
w, h = font.getsize(message)
#x = (inky_display.WIDTH / 2) - (w / 2)
#y = (inky_display.HEIGHT / 2) - (h / 2)
x = 0
y = -5

if (current_price > 14.8):
draw.text((x, y), message, inky_display.RED, font)
draw.text((x, y), message, inky_display.BLACK, font)

right_column = 145

message = "2:" + "{0:.1f}".format(next_price) + "p"
font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 20)
w2, h2 = font.getsize(message)
x = right_column
y = 0
if (next_price > 14.8):
draw.text((x,y), message, inky_display.RED, font)
draw.text((x, y), message, inky_display.BLACK, font)

message = "3:" + "{0:.1f}".format(nextp1_price) + "p"
font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 20)
w3, h3 = font.getsize(message)
x = right_column
y = 20

if (nextp1_price > 14.8):
draw.text((x,y), message, inky_display.RED, font)
draw.text((x, y), message, inky_display.BLACK, font)

message = "4:" + "{0:.1f}".format(nextp2_price) + "p"
font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 20)
w3, h3 = font.getsize(message)
x = right_column
y = 40

if (nextp2_price > 14.8):
draw.text((x,y), message, inky_display.RED, font)
draw.text((x, y), message, inky_display.BLACK, font)

#draw.text((10,70),"It fits in the case!", inky_display.RED, font)

pixels_per_h = 2 # how many pixels 1p is worth
pixels_per_w = 2 # how many pixels 1/2 hour is worth
chart_height = 104 # total height of the chart in pixels
number_of_vals_to_display = 36 # 36 half hours = 18 hours

# plot the graph
lowest_price_next_24h = min(i for i in prices if i > 0)

print("lowest price Position:", prices.index(lowest_price_next_24h))
print("low Value:", lowest_price_next_24h)

# go through each hour and get the value

for i in range(0,number_of_vals_to_display):
scaled_price = prices[i] * pixels_per_h # we're scaling it by the value above innit

if prices[i] <= (lowest_price_next_24h + 1): # if within 1p of the lowest price, display in black
ink_color = inky_display.BLACK
ink_color = inky_display.RED

# takes a bit of thought this next bit, draw a rectangle from say x = 2i to 2(i-1) for each plot value
# pixels_per_w defines the horizontal scaling factor (2 seems to work)

#draw minimum value on chart <- this doesn't seem to work yet
# font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 15)
# msg = "{0:.1f}".format(lowest_price_next_24h) + "p"
# draw.text((4*(minterval-1),110),msg, inky_display.BLACK, font)

# draw the bottom right min price and how many hours that is away
font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 20)
msg = "min:"+"{0:.1f}".format(lowest_price_next_24h) + "p"
draw.text((right_column,60), msg, inky_display.BLACK, font)
# we know how many half hours to min price, now figure it out in hours.
minterval = (round(prices.index(lowest_price_next_24h)/2))
print ("minterval:"+str(minterval))
msg = "in:"+str(minterval)+"hrs"
draw.text((right_column,75), msg, inky_display.BLACK, font)

# and convert that to an actual time
# note that this next time will not give you an exact half hour if you don't run this at an exact half hour eg cron
# because it's literally just adding n * 30 mins!
# could in future add some code to round to 30 mins increments but it works for now.
min_offset = prices.index(lowest_price_next_24h) * 30
time_of_cheapest = the_now + datetime.timedelta(minutes=min_offset)
print("cheapest at " + str(time_of_cheapest))
print("which is: "+ str(time_of_cheapest.time())[0:5])
time_of_cheapest_formatted = "at " + (str(time_of_cheapest.time())[0:5])
font = ImageFont.truetype(FredokaOne, 15)
draw.text((right_column,90), time_of_cheapest_formatted, inky_display.BLACK, font)

# render the actual image onto the display
57 changes: 57 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# this is the one to run daily just after 4pm ish when the new prices come in
api_key = 'xx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' # Put your API key from the octopus agile dashboard here
agile_tariff_code = 'E-1R-AGILE-18-02-21-A' # This changes by area so choose the right one (displayed in your octopus dashboard). Codes end in A->P

import sqlite3
import datetime
import requests

# Future enhancement, pass these as an array instead to save processing
# though it only runs once a day so it's not exactly important.
def insertVariableIntoTable(year, month, day, hour, segment, price):
sqliteConnection = sqlite3.connect('octoprice.sqlite')
cursor = sqliteConnection.cursor()
print("Connected to SQLite")

sqlite_insert_with_param = """INSERT INTO 'prices'
('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'segment', 'price')
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);"""

data_tuple = (year, month, day, hour, segment, price)
cursor.execute(sqlite_insert_with_param, data_tuple)
print("1 record inserted successfully into prices table")
except sqlite3.Error as error:
print("Failed to insert Python variable into prices table", error)
if (sqliteConnection):
print("The SQLite connection is closed. We are done here.")

response = requests.get(''+agile_tariff_code+'/standard-unit-rates/', auth=(api_key,'null') )
pricedata = response.json()
for result in pricedata['results']:

mom_price = result['value_inc_vat']
raw_from = result['valid_from']
# work out the buckets
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(raw_from, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") # We need to reformat the date to a python date from a json date
mom_year = (date.year)
mom_month = (date.month)
mom_day = (
mom_hour = (date.hour)
if date.minute == 00: # We actually don't care about exact minutes, we just mark with a 0 if it's an hour time or a 1 if it's half past the hour.
mom_offset = 0
mom_offset = 1 #half hour

# Now store in the database
insertVariableIntoTable(mom_year, mom_month, mom_day, mom_hour, mom_offset, mom_price)

print ("New prices were inserted.")

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