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210 lines (180 loc) · 8.11 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (180 loc) · 8.11 KB


  • 1.0.0-beta11 (@release_date@)

  • added ResourceBinding

  • added ResourceBindingInitializer

  • 1.0.0-beta10 (2016-02-05)

  • fixed regression in FilesystemRepository::clear() which caused files in symlinked directories to be deleted

  • 1.0.0-beta9 (2016-01-14)

  • made compatible with Symfony 3.0

  • added JSON schema for path mapping files: path-mappings-schema-1.0.json

  • upgraded to webmozart/glob 4.1 to improve performance

  • renamed Resource to PuliResource

  • renamed AbstractPathMappingRepository to AbstractJsonRepository

  • renamed PathMappingRepository to JsonRepository

  • renamed OptimizedPathMappingRepository to OptimizedJsonRepository

  • changed constructor arguments of JSON repositories from KeyValueStore to paths of JSON files

  • added AbstractEditableRepository

  • added ChangeStream

  • added VersionList

  • added NoVersionFoundException

  • added InMemoryChangeStream

  • added KeyValueStoreChangeStream

  • added JsonChangeStream

  • added PuliResource::getVersions()

  • added ResourceRepository::getVersions()

  • added LinkResource::getTarget()

  • made LinkResource serializable

  • 1.0.0-beta8 (2015-10-05)

  • fixed problem with slash handling in PathMappingRepository

  • added LinkResource

  • 1.0.0-beta7 (2015-08-24)

  • improved Windows compatibility

  • fixed minimum package versions in composer.json

  • switched to webmozart/glob 3.1 to fix Windows issues

  • fixed resource overriding in the PathMappingRepository

  • supported removal of path mappings in PathMappingRepository

  • 1.0.0-beta6 (2015-08-12)

  • added PathMappingRepository

  • added OptimizedPathMappingRepository

  • fixed repository building on Windows

  • upgraded to webmozart/glob 3.0 for enhanced performance of file iteration

  • added AbstractRepository and AbstractPathMappingRepository

  • fixed reading of file modification time for symlinks

  • 1.0.0-beta5 (2015-05-29)

  • upgraded to webmozart/path-util 2.0

  • fixed overriding of files in deep directories

  • 1.0.0-beta4 (2015-04-13)

  • removed Resource::getPayload()

  • removed $code arguments from static exception factory methods

  • upgraded to webmozart/glob 2.0

  • 1.0.0-beta3 (2015-03-19)

  • added Resource::getPayload()

  • removed DetachedException

  • replaced Assert by webmozart/assert

  • added support for relative symlinks to FilesystemRepository

  • FilesystemRepository now falls back to copies if symlinks are not supported

  • 1.0.0-beta2 (2015-01-27)

  • added NullRepository

  • removed dependency to beberlei/assert

  • symfony/filesystem is now an optional dependency that is only needed when using the FilesystemRepository

  • 1.0.0-beta (2015-01-12)

  • renamed Selector to Glob and moved it to package "webmozart/glob"

  • removed AttachableResourceInterface

  • removed DirectoryResourceInterface

  • removed FileResourceInterface

  • removed OverriddenPathLoaderInterface

  • removed Interface suffix of all interfaces

  • ResourceRepository::find() now matches directory separators "/" when given a wildcard "*"

  • merged AbstractResource and DirectoryResource into GenericResource

  • renamed LocalDirectoryResource to DirectoryResource

  • renamed LocalFileResource to FileResource

  • removed LocalResource::getAllLocalPaths

  • rename LocalResource::getLocalPath to LocalResource::getFilesystemPath

  • renamed LocalResource to FilesystemResource

  • renamed LocalResourceCollection to FilesystemResourceCollection

  • removed createAttached() from GenericResource, FileResource and DirectoryResource

  • removed tagging

  • renamedResourceRepository to InMemoryRepository

  • renamed ResourceCollection to ArrayResourceCollection

  • renamed RecursiveResourceIterator to RecursiveResourceIteratorIterator

  • renamed ManageableResourceRepository to EditableRepository

  • removed UriRepository

  • added $scheme argument to ResourceStreamWrapper::register() and ResourceStreamWrapper::unregister()

  • added ResourceNotFoundException::forPath()

  • added NoDirectoryException::forPath()

  • moved contents of Puli\Repository\Filesystem\Iterator to Puli\Repository\Iterator

  • moved contents of Puli\Repository\Filesystem\Resource to Puli\Repository\Resource

  • moved FilesystemRepository to Puli\Repository

  • removed PhpCacheRepository

  • added domain-specific Assert class

  • moved API interfaces to Api sub-namespace

  • removed notions of "directories" and "files". All resources can have children and a body now.

  • added ResourceRepository::listChildren() and hasChildren()

  • added ResourceMetadata and FilesystemMetadata

  • added methods to Resource:

    • getChild()
    • hasChild()
    • hasChildren()
    • listChildren()
    • getMetadata()
    • getRepository()
    • getRepositoryPath()
    • attachTo()
    • detach()
    • isAttached()
    • createReference()
    • isReference()
  • made Resource extend Serializable

  • added EditableRepository::clear()

  • removed backend repositories from InMemoryRepository and FilesystemRepository

  • added symlink support to FilesystemRepository

  • removed FilesystemException

  • removed InvalidPathException

  • removed UnsupportedSchemeException

  • replaced NoDirectoryException by UnsupportedOperationException

  • removed CompositeRepository from the 1.0 branch

  • 1.0.0-alpha4 (2014-12-03)

  • moved extensions to separate repositories in

  • moved documentation to separate repository:

  • moved Path to "webmozart/path-util" package

  • moved all code to Puli\Repository namespace

  • rearranged the directory structure

  • added ResourceCollectionIterator

  • added ResourceIteratorInterface

  • added RecursiveResourceIterator

  • added RecursiveResourceIteratorInterface

  • added ResourceFilterIterator

  • renamed ResourceRepositoryInterface to ManageableRepositoryInterface

  • renamed ResourceLocatorInterface to ResourceRepositoryInterface

  • renamed all "locators" to "repositories"

  • moved all filesystem specific code to Filesystem namespace

  • made ResourceInterface independent of the filesystem. The filesystem specific methods are now in LocalResourceInterface

  • getAlternativePaths() is now called getAllLocalPaths()

  • added getContents(), getSize(), getLastAccessedAt() and getLastModifiedAt() to FileResourceInterface

  • removed all pattern-related classes. This logic is now provided by the Selector class

  • ResourceRepository::remove(), tag() and untag() now return the number of affected resources

  • added UriRepository::getDefaultScheme() and setDefaultScheme()

  • renamed getByTag() to findByTag()

  • added merge() to ResourceCollectionInterface

  • added CompositeRepository

  • removed LazyDirectoryResource

  • fixed ResourceRepository::add() to be deterministic when selectors are passed. Closes #17

  • 1.0.0-alpha3 (2014-02-22)

  • renamed PhpResourceLocator to PhpCacheLocator

  • renamed PhpResourceLocatorDumper to PhpCacheDumper

  • added FilesystemLocator

  • removed ResourceDiscoveringInterface

  • a base ResourceLocatorInterface can now be passed to ResourceRepository

  • instead of arrays, ResourceCollection objects are now returned everywhere

  • renamed ResourceInterface::getPath() to getRealPath()

  • renamed ResourceInterface::getRepositoryPath() to getPath()

  • added an extension for the templating engine Twig

  • added an extension for the Symfony Config and HttpKernel components

  • 1.0.0-alpha2 (2014-02-14)

  • fixed "Maximum function nesting level" error on Windows

  • pushed minimum PHP version to 5.3.9

  • removed TagInterface and descending classes

  • added support for dot segments ("." and "..")

  • removed CreationNotAllowedException

  • removed RemoveNotAllowedException

  • removed RenameNotAllowedException

  • added UnsupportedOperationException

  • added Path

  • added Uri

  • added UriLocatorInterface and UriLocator

  • changed ResourceStreamWrapper::register() to take a UriLocatorInterface instance instead of a scheme and a resource locator

  • 1.0.0-alpha1 (2014-02-04)

  • first alpha release