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Getting Started

Installing Padrick

Padrick is a CLI tool that you invoke on a configuration file that describes the structure of your SoCs pad multiplexing and IO mapping scheme. The very first step of ussing padrick is thus installing it. There are two ways to install padrick on your system;

Downloading a Binary Distribution/Using Padrick without Python

The preferred installation method if you don't modify padrick or need the most bleeding edge version of it is to just use a self-sufficient binary. This is especially usefull if your development environment does not provide a reccent Python 3 installation or you are unable to install any additional python dependencies. The binary appimage distribution of Padrick wraps its own python interpreter in a Rust executable to interpret the padrick python source code embedded within the binary itself (this is enabled by a project called Pyoxidizer). Any Linux distribution with glibc version 2.14 or newer should be able to run the Appimage binary. This includes but is not limited to the following or newer Linux Distributions:

  • Debian 8
  • Fedora 16
  • OpenSUSE 12.1
  • RHEL/CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu 12.04

You can find the latest binary x86 release on the github release page.

Use the following snippet to download the appimage in your current path:

curl \
| grep "Padrick-x86_64.AppImage" \
| cut -d : -f 2,3 \
| tr -d \" \
| wget -qi -
mv Padrick-x86_64.AppImage padrick
chmod a+x padrick

Now you can directly start using the downloaded binary. E.g. use this command to show the built-in help:

./padrick --help

Installing Padrick as a Python Package

If you have python3.6 or newer available on your system, you can directly install padrick using pip:

pip install git+ssh://

Or if you prefer https over ssh:

pip install git+

If you plan to modify or frequently update padrick you might want to install it with the pip editable flag so changes to the source code of padrick take effect immediately to all Python environments were you installed padrick:

git clone
pip install -e ./padrick

These approaches will install all the required python dependencies automatically and make the command line tool padrick available for your shell.

Writing a Padframe Configuration File

The next step after installing Padrick is to write a configuration file for your padframe. The configuration file captures all information about the padframe required for your SoC, from IO cell specifications, IO peripheral signal declaration to multiplexing strategy. The config file is written in YAML, a powerful, human readable markup language. The following listing shows you a minimal padframe configuration file to generate a simple padframe for an SoC with 4 pads an SPI and a UART peripheral where each signals of the UART or SPI peripheral can be routed to anyone of the four available pads.

manifest_version: 2
name: my_padframe
  - name: my_domain
      - name: iocell_xy
        template: |
          IOLIB_IOCELL_XY ${instance_name} (
          - name: pad
            size: 1
            kind: pad
          - name: chip2pad
            size: 1
            kind: input
            conn_type: dynamic
            default_reset_value: 0
            default_static_value: 1'b0
          - name: pad2chip
            description: "The signal that connects to the pads RX buffer"
            size: 1
            kind: output
            conn_type: dynamic
          - name: tx_en
            description: "Active high RX driver enable "
            size: 1
            kind: input
            conn_type: dynamic
            # by default, the output driver is disabled
            default_reset_value: 1
            default_static_value: 1'b1
      - name: iopad_{i}
        multiple: 4
        pad_type: iocell_xy
      - name: SPIM
        output_defaults: 1'b0
          - name: miso
              miso: pad2chip
              tx_e: 1'b0
          - name: mosi
              chip2pad: mosi
              tx_en: 1'b1
          - name: sck
              chip2pad: sck
              tx_en: 1'b1
          - name: cs
              chip2pad: cs
              tx_en: 1'b1
      - name: UART
        output_defaults: 1'b0
          - name: rx
              uart_rx: pad2chip
              tx_en: 1'b0
          - name: tx
              chip2pad: uart_tx
              tx_en: 1'b1

The different keys and settings in this example might seem confusing at the moment, but they are all explained in detail in chapter :ref:`Padframe Configuration File<chapter_padframe_config_file>`. For the purpose of this introductionary tutorial, just copy the content of the example to a new file and give it the name my_padrame_config.yaml

Validating the Configuration File

Now that we wrote our first configuration file, it is time to validate it. Padrick contains extensive validation checks. Not only does it make sure that the configuration file is properly formated and contains all required keys with corresponding value of the right type, it also runs a number of sanity checks on your configuration to detect semantic mistakes e.g. IO signals without corresponding pads or naming conflicts. While padrick always validates your config file before rendering any output there is a dedicated CLI command to run validation only:

padrick validate my_padframe_config.yaml

If you copied the example above you will see a user friendly error message pointing out a typo in your config file. On line 46 there is a type: The connection entry should be tx_en: 1'b0 instead of tx_e: 1'b0. Correct the mistake and validate the config file once again. Now you should not encounter any errors.

Generating the RTL for the Padframe IP

Now that we validated the syntactic (and to some degree semantic) correctness of our configuration file it is time to generate the padframe. To do so, type the following command:

padrick generate rtl my_padframe_config.yaml -o my_padframe_ip

This will generate a new folder called my_padframe_ip in your current directory and renders the complete padframe IP. The generated IP instantiates our IO pads using our specified IO cells, generated the multiplexing logic to route our IO peripheral signals (SPI and UART) to one of those pads and instantiates a register file to configure the connectivity and the configuration of the IO pads through some configuration interface.

A closer inspection of the folder content reveals the following folder structure:

├── Bender.yml
├── ips_list.yml
├── src
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── my_padframe_my_domain_regs.hjson
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── src_files.yml

At the top-level, there are some IP manifest files that simplify the integration of our IP in an SoC using an IP dependency management tool.


Bender.yml is used for the more modern PULP IP management tool Bender while src_files.yml and ips_list.yml are required for usage with the legacy pulp IP tool IPApproX.

The src directory contains all the generated SystemVerilog source files where contains the toplevel module. Let's have a look at the interface of this module:

module my_padframe
  import pkg_my_padframe::*;
  parameter int unsigned   AW = 32,
  parameter int unsigned   DW = 32,
  parameter type req_t = logic, // reg_interface request type
  parameter type resp_t = logic, // reg_interface response type
  parameter logic [DW-1:0] DecodeErrRespData = 32'hdeadda7a
  input logic                                clk_i,
  input logic                                rst_ni,
  output port_signals_pad2soc_t              port_signals_pad2soc,
  input port_signals_soc2pad_t               port_signals_soc2pad,
  // Landing Pads
  inout wire logic                           pad_my_domain_iopad_0_pad,
  inout wire logic                           pad_my_domain_iopad_1_pad,
  inout wire logic                           pad_my_domain_iopad_2_pad,
  inout wire logic                           pad_my_domain_iopad_3_pad,
  // Config Interface
  input req_t                                config_req_i,
  output resp_t                              config_rsp_o


Apart from a clock and reset signal, the module exposes the IO peripheral signals for UART and SPI peripheral (port_signals_pad2soc`and `port_signals_soc2pad, the inout wire signals for the instantiated IO cell landing pad signals (which you will probably want to route to the toplevel interface of your chip) and a configuration interface so the SoC can change the padframe configuration at runtime.


At the moment, the only supported configuration interface protocol is the lightweight Register Interface Protocol. The linked github repository contains easy to use protocol converters to various other protocols like AXI, AXI-lite or APB. In the near future, Padricks generate rtl will command will provide a flag to directly embed the required protocol converters within the generated module exposing the protocol of your liking to the toplevel.

FuseSoC Support

Since version v0.3.5 Padrick has built-in support for FuseSoC. That is, it generates FuseSoC core files as part of the RTL generation process and the CLI containts a dedicated subcommand for Padrick to behave as a FuseSoC generator. In order to integrate Padrick into your flow you can copy the generator core file and the invocation script from the fuseSoC_generator directory in the main repository into your project.

Like any FuseSoC generator, you supply parameters to padrick when you call the generator in your generate sections. Here is an example of a small core file to generate a padframe:


name: "padrick:ip:padframe"
description: "My SoC's padframe"


    generator: padrick
      padrick_cmd: padrick
        - kind: rtl
      padframe_manifest: padframe.yaml

      - padframe_deps
      - padframe_rtl

At the very beginning of the core file we register a couple of cores as dependencies since the auto-generated padframe makes use of some of their modules internally. They are:

As you can see, the parameters sections contains three essential key-value pairs:

This parameter tells the small script how to find and invoke padrick. The command you mention here will first be looked up in your PATH and if it cannot be found there, it will try to find an executable relative to this core file to inoke. In other words you can either point to a downloaded padrick binary or just rely on the specified command being in your PATH (e.g. if you installed padrick into your python environment).

Here you specify what padrick should generate for you as a list of step entries. The following kind of generate steps are currently supported:

RTL Generation Step:

- kind: rtl

This entry tells padrick to generate all the RTL output files, as if you were the invoke the generate rtl subcommand of Padrick's CLI.

Custom Template Rendering Step:
- kind: custom
  output_filename: my_pad_list.csv

This generate step invokes padrick's custom template render command with the provided template file (relative to the current core file) and the desired output Path (generated relative to the FuseSoC managed build directory for generators). In contrast to the RTL generate step, you can register multiple custom rendering commands with different template files and targets.

In this required parameter you tell padrick where to find the padframe configuration YAML file. The path is once again relative to the location of the calling core file I.e. in the example above it expects to find the file padframe.yml right next to the core file itself. The output of Padrick is generated in a build directory auto-created by FuseSoC for every Generator and automatically registered in your build dependencies. Checkout FuseSoC's Generator documentation for more information.

Next Steps

You now should be a bit more familiar what Padrick is, what it can do for you and how to run it. In order to actually use it, you need to get familiar with the details of the configuration file syntax and the available CLI commands. We suggest you to proceed as follows: