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This README explains how to use the Weak-PDE-LEARN library. If you have additional questions (or want to report a bug), please email me (Robert) at

The Weak-PDE-LEARN library consists of several .py and .txt files. In general, you will only only need to interact with two of them: Settings.txt and Library.txt. The former controls all hyper-parameters and settings while the latter specifies the library (left and right-hand side terms) we use to identify the hidden PDE.


Our library uses several external packages. We recommend setting up a virtual environment to do this. This should ensure that you have the correct version of each external package/won't run into any package conflicts.

We include a guide on how to set up the virtual environment using conda. Alternatively, you can manually install the packages listed below.

First, open a command line in the Weak-PDE-LEARN library and make a new virtual environment using python 3.10:

conda create --name WeakPDE python=3.10

Say yes if conda prompts you. Once you've built the virtual environment, activate it:

conda activate WeakPDE

Now, let's add the packages we ned to run the WeakPDE code (note: the versions are optional; the versions I list are the ones I used when developing this library. If you encounter any packages errors while running the code, try re-installing the packages with the specified versions):

conda install numpy=1.26.4
conda install torch=2.2.0
conda install matplotlib=3.8.2
conda install seaborn=0.13.2
conda install scipy=1.12.0
conda install pandas=2.2.0

If you can't install any of these packages using conda, try using pip. Simply replace the word conda with pip. The virtual environment is now built and you're ready to start using weak-PDE-LEARN!

In the future, to activate the environment (and thus, gain access to all the packages we need to run the WeakPDE library), simply activate the environment with conda activate WeakPDE.

Making a dataset

Weak-PDE-LEARN comes with a few benchmark datasets pre-installed (see ./Data/DataSets). Here, we describe how to build a new DataSet that we can use to train weak-PDE-LEARN.

A "DataSet" is a .npz file that contains a dictionary with six keys: "Training Inputs," "Training Targets," "Testing Inputs," "Testing Targets," "Bounds," and "Number of Dimensions." Each of these keys refers to a numpy ndarray object (except "Number of Dimensions," which is an integer that specifies the number of spatial dimensions in the inputs within the data set).

While training, Weak-PDE-LEARN will update the system response functions using only the training set data. However, Weak-PDE-LEARN will report the loss on both the training and test sets. You can use this to determine if the solution networks are over-fitting the training set.

If you want to use PDE-LEARN on your data, you must write a program that calls the Create_Data_Set function (in ./Data/ with the appropriate arguments. See that function's doc-string for details.

Alternatively, you can create a DataSet using one of our MATLAB data sets by running Python ./ when your current working directory is Data. The From_MATLAB file contains five settings: "Data_File_Name," "Num_Spatial_Dimensions," "Noise_Proportion," "Num_Train_Examples," and "Num_Test_Examples." "Data_File_Name" should refer to one of the .mat files in the MATLAB/Data directory "Num_Spatial_Dimensions" specifies the number of spatial dimensions in the inputs stored in the .mat file. "Noise_Proportion," "Num_Train_Examples," and "Num_Test_Examples" control the level of noise in the data, the number of training data points, and the number of testing data points, respectively.

Once you've built your DataSet, you need to tell Weak-PDE-LEARN to train on it. Recall that Weak-PDE-LEARN trains a neural network to match the data in a dataset. At the bottom of Settings.txt, you'll see a setting titled DataSet Names. You should set this to be a list of strings. Each entry should be the name of a DataSet in ./Data/DataSet. Note that weak-PDE-LEARN assumes that the SAME PDE governs the system response function in EACH dataset. If one dataset comes from Burgers' equation, and another comes from the KdV equation, weak-PDE-LEARN will do strange things. Don't make it do that!

Running the Code

Once you have selected your settings you, can start training by running Code/ To do this, run the following command (the Weak-PDE-LEARN environment should be activated at this stage):

python ./Code/

Remember that there are often several rounds of training. See the paper for details.

What to do if you get nan: Weak-PDE-LEARN can use the LBFGS optimizer. Unfortunately, PyTorch's LBFGS optimizer is known to yield nan (see pytorch/pytorch#5953). Using the LBFGS optimizer occasionally causes Weak-PDE-LEARN to break down and start reporting nan. If this happens, you should kill Weak-PDE-LEARN (in the terminal window, press Ctrl + C) and then re-run Weak-PDE-LEARN. Since Weak-PDE-LEARN randomly samples the weight functions, no two runs of Weak-PDE-LEARN are identical. Thus, even if you keep the settings the same, re-running Weak-PDE-LEARN may avoid the nan issue. If you encounter nan on several successive runs of Weak-PDE-LEARN, reduce the learning rate by a factor of $10$ and try again. If all else fails, consider training using another optimizer.


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