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This library contains bindings for errawr to work in Go projects. It is used heavily during the code generation process to produce statically-typed error libraries.

Using this library

This library uses Go modules.

$ go get

Encoding and decoding errors

The encoding package provides utility functions for creating envelopes to transfer errors across application boundaries.


To render an errawr error to a user using JSON, use the ForDisplay or ForDisplayWithSensitivity functions. The JSON serialization of the result of these functions conforms to the errawr specification.

A complete example of encoding and rendering an error to an HTTP response:

import (


func WriteError(w http.ResponseWriter, err errawr.Error) {
	status := http.StatusInternalServerError
	if hm, ok := err.Metadata().HTTP(); ok {
		status = hm.Status()

		for key, values := range hm.Headers() {
			for _, value := range values {
				w.Header().Add(key, value)

	w.Header().Set("content-type", "application/json")
	if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(encoding.ForDisplay(err)); err != nil {
		// Force this request to be abandoned.

If you are a client of an API that returns errawr errors as JSON, you can convert the errors back into an errawr object:

func ReadError(data []byte) errawr.Error {
    var env encoding.ErrorDisplayEnvelope
    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &env); err != nil {
        // ...

    return env.AsError()


If your application requires error serialization internally, such as across a shared memory interface or using gRPC, you can retain the complete structure of the error using the ForTransit function and the AsError method of the ErrorTransitEnvelope. Never use this API to present errors externally.

Test utilities

When testing your code, it may be inconvenient to write real errawr definitions for errors, especially in callbacks. You can use the testutil package for this:

import (


func TestCallback(t *testing.T) {
    err := ExecuteWithCallback(func() errawr.Error {
        return testutil.NewStubError("fake_code")
    if err == nil {
        t.Error("expected non-nil error")

Important: Do not use the testutil package outside of tests. It defeats the purpose of errawr!