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PE 2.0 » Installing » Upgrading

Installing: Basic Installation --- Index --- Installing: Uninstalling

Upgrading Puppet Enterprise

To upgrade from a previous version of Puppet Enterprise, use the same installer tarball as in a basic installation, but don't run the puppet-enterprise-installer script. Instead, run puppet-enterprise-upgrader.

Depending on the version you upgrade from, you may need to take extra steps after running the upgrader. See below for your specific version.

{% capture slowbigdatabase %}Note that if your console database is very large, the upgrader may take a long time on the console node, possibly thirty minutes or more. This is due to a resource-intensive database migration that must be run. Make sure that you schedule your upgrade appropriately, and avoid interrupting the upgrade process.{% endcapture %}{{ slowbigdatabase }}

{% capture locktableissue %}


Due to a known issue that can potentially cause upgrade failures, all users should increase the size of their MySQL server's innodb_buffer_pool_size before upgrading the console server node. See here for details and instructions, including how to recover from a failed upgrade.

{% endcapture %}{{ locktableissue }}

Checking For Updates

[Check here][updateslink] to find out what the latest maintenance release of Puppet Enterprise is. You can run puppet --version at the command line to see the version of PE you are currently running.

{% comment %} This link is the same one as the console's help -> version information link. We only have to change the one to update both. {% endcomment %} [updateslink]:

Downloading PE

See the Preparing to Install chapter of this guide for information on downloading PE.

Starting the Upgrader

The upgrader must be run with root privileges:

# ./puppet-enterprise-upgrader

This will start the upgrader in interactive mode. If the puppet master role and the console (previously dashboard) role are installed on different servers, you must upgrade the puppet master first.

{{ slowbigdatabase }}

{{ locktableissue }}

Upgrader Options

Like the installer, the upgrade will accept some command-line options:

-h : Display a brief help message.

-s <ANSWER FILE> : Save answers to file and quit without installing.

-a <ANSWER FILE> : Read answers from file and fail if an answer is missing. See the upgrader answers section of the answer file reference for a list of available answers.

-A <ANSWER FILE> : Read answers from file and prompt for input if an answer is missing. See the upgrader answers section of the answer file reference for a list of available answers.

-D : Display debugging information.

-l <LOG FILE> : Log commands and results to file.

-n : Run in 'noop' mode; show commands that would have been run during installation without running them.

Non-interactive upgrades work identically to non-interactive installs, albeit with different answers available.

Configuring the Upgrade

The upgrader will ask you the following questions:

Cloud Provisioner

PE 2 includes a cloud provisioner tool that can be installed on trusted nodes where administrators have shell access. On every node you upgrade, you'll be asked whether to install the cloud provisioner role.

Vendor Packages

If PE 2.0 needs any packages from your OS's repositories, it will ask permission to install them.

Puppet Master Options

Removing mco's home directory

The mco user from PE 1.2 gets deleted during the upgrade, and is replaced with the peadmin user.

If the mco user had any preference files or documents you need, you should tell the upgrader to preserve the mco user's home directory; otherwise, it will be deleted.

Installing Wrapper Modules

In PE 2.0, the mcollectivepe, accounts, and baselines modules were renamed to pe_mcollective, pe_accounts, and pe_compliance, respectively. If you have used any of these modules by their previous names, you should install the wrapper modules so your site will continue to work while you switch over.

Console Options

User Name and Password

The console, which replaces Puppet Dashboard, now requires a user name and a password for web access. The upgrader will ask you to choose this name and password.

Final Steps: From an Earlier PE 2.0 Release

No extra steps are needed when upgrading between maintenance releases of PE 2.0.

Final Steps: From PE 1.2

No extra steps are needed when upgrading from PE 1.2.x to PE 2.0.1 or later.

Note that some features may not be available until puppet agent has run once on every node. In normal installations, this means all features will be available within 30 minutes after upgrading all nodes.

Final Steps: From PE 1.1 or 1.0

Important note: Upgrades from some configurations of PE 1.1 and 1.0 aren't fully supported. To upgrade from PE 1.1 or 1.0, you must have originally installed the puppet master and Puppet Dashboard roles on the same node. Contact Puppet Labs support for help with other configurations on a case-by-case basis, and see issue #10872 for more information.

After running the upgrader on the puppet master/Dashboard (now console) node, you must:

  • Stop the pe-httpd service
  • Create a new database for the inventory service and grant all permissions on it to the console's MySQL user.
  • Manually edit the puppet master's puppet.conf, auth.conf, site.pp, and settings.yml files
  • Generate and sign certificates for the console, to enable inventory and filebucket viewing.
  • Edit passenger-extra.conf
  • Restart the pe-httpd service.

You can upgrade agent nodes after upgrading the puppet master and console. After upgrading an agent node, you must:

  • Manually edit puppet.conf.

Stop pe-httpd

For the duration of these manual steps, Puppet Enterprise's web server should be stopped.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/pe-httpd stop

Create a New Inventory Database

To support the inventory service, you must manually create a new database for puppet master to store node facts in. To do this, use the mysql client on the node running the database server. (This will almost always be the same server running the puppet master and console.)

# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: 
mysql> CREATE DATABASE console_inventory_service;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON console_inventory_service.* TO '<USER>'@'localhost';

Replace <USER> with the MySQL user name you gave Dashboard during your original installation.

Edit Puppet Master's /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf

  • To support the inventory service, you must configure Puppet to save facts to a MySQL database.

          # ...
          facts_terminus = inventory_active_record
          dbadapter = mysql
          dbname = console_inventory_service
          dbpassword = <PASSWORD FOR CONSOLE'S MYSQL USER>
          dbserver = localhost

    If you chose a different MySQL user name for Puppet Dashboard when you originally installed PE, use that user name as the dbuser instead of "dashboard". If the database is served by a remote machine, use that server's hostname instead of "localhost".

  • If you configured the puppet master to not send reports to the Dashboard, you must configure it to report to the console now:

          # ...
          reports = https, store
          reporturl = https://<CONSOLE HOSTNAME>:<PORT>/reports/upload
  • Puppet agent on this node also has some new requirements:

          # support filebucket viewing when using compliance features:
          archive_files = true
          # if you didn't originally enable pluginsync, enable it now:
          pluginsync = true

Edit Puppet Master's /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/auth.conf

To support the inventory service, you must add the following two stanzas to your puppet master's auth.conf file:

# Allow the console to retrieve inventory facts:

path /facts
auth yes
method find, search
allow pe-internal-dashboard

# Allow puppet master to save facts to the inventory:

path /facts
auth yes
method save

These stanzas must be inserted before the final stanza, which looks like this:

path /
auth any

If you paste the new stanzas after this final stanza, they will not take effect.

Edit /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/manifests/site.pp

You must add the following lines to site.pp in order to view file contents in the console:

# specify remote filebucket
filebucket { 'main':
  server => '<puppet master's hostname>',
  path => false,

File { backup => 'main' }

Edit /etc/puppetlabs/puppet-dashboard/settings.yml

Change the following three settings to point to one of the puppet master's valid DNS names:

inventory_server: '<PUPPET MASTER HOSTNAME>'
file_bucket_server: '<PUPPET MASTER HOSTNAME>'

Change the following two settings to true:

enable_inventory_service: true
use_file_bucket_diffs: true

Ensure that the following settings exist and are set to the suggested values; if any are missing, you will need to add them to settings.yml yourself:

private_key_path: 'certs/pe-internal-dashboard.private_key.pem'
public_key_path: 'certs/pe-internal-dashboard.public_key.pem'
ca_crl_path: 'certs/pe-internal-dashboard.ca_crl.pem'
ca_certificate_path: 'certs/pe-internal-dashboard.ca_cert.pem'
certificate_path: 'certs/pe-internal-dashboard.cert.pem'
key_length: 1024
cn_name: 'pe-internal-dashboard'

Generate and Sign Console Certificates

First, navigate to the console's installation directory:

$ cd /opt/puppet/share/puppet-dashboard

Next, start a temporary WEBrick puppet master:

$ sudo /opt/puppet/bin/puppet master

Next, create a keypair and request a certificate:

$ sudo /opt/puppet/bin/rake cert:create_key_pair
$ sudo /opt/puppet/bin/rake cert:request

Next, sign the certificate request:

$ sudo /opt/puppet/bin/puppet cert sign dashboard

Next, retrieve the signed certificate:

$ sudo /opt/puppet/bin/rake cert:retrieve

Next, stop the temporary puppet master:

$ sudo kill $(cat $(puppet master --configprint pidfile) )

Finally, chown the certificates directory to puppet-dashboard:

$ sudo chown -R puppet-dashboard:puppet-dashboard certs


If these rake tasks fail with errors like can't convert nil into String, you may be missing a certificate-related setting from the settings.yml file. Go back to the previous section and make sure all of the required settings exist.

Start pe-httpd

You can now start PE's web server again.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/pe-httpd start

Edit puppet.conf on Each Agent Node

On each agent node you upgrade to PE 2.0, make the following edits to /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf:

    # support filebucket viewing when using compliance features:
    archive_files = true
    # if you didn't originally enable pluginsync, enable it now:
    pluginsync = true

Installing: Basic Installation --- Index --- Installing: Uninstalling