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Prototyping out the desired interface.
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  Now that all the the pieces have been discovered that need to occur to
  make a functional apacheds implementation the module is to be rewriten
  to accomplish a cleaner interface for one to interact with.

  Prototype and brainstorm all the needed classes and type/providers to
  be written.
  • Loading branch information
ody committed Jun 13, 2012
1 parent 09bde4b commit 8129eac
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Showing 4 changed files with 175 additions and 129 deletions.
194 changes: 66 additions & 128 deletions manifests/init.pp
@@ -1,154 +1,92 @@
# == Class: apacheds
# Full description of class apacheds here.
# === Parameters
# Document parameters here.
# [*sample_parameter*]
# Explanation of what this parameter affects and what it defaults to.
# e.g. "Specify one or more upstream ntp servers as an array."
# === Variables
# Here you should define a list of variables that this module would require.
# [*sample_variable*]
# Explanation of how this variable affects the funtion of this class and if it
# has a default. e.g. "The parameter enc_ntp_servers must be set by the
# External Node Classifier as a comma separated list of hostnames." (Note,
# global variables should not be used in preference to class parameters as of
# Puppet 2.6.)
# === Examples
# class { apacheds:
# servers => [ '', '' ]
# }
# === Authors
# Author Name <>
# === Copyright
# Copyright 2011 Your name here, unless otherwise noted.
# What I want the interface to this module to actually look like.
class apacheds(
$rootpw = 'foobar',
$server = 'ldap-module.vm.vmware',
$port = '10389',
$version = '2.0.0-M6'
$rootpw = hiera('apacheds::rootpw'),
$master_host = hiera('apacheds::master_host'),
$port = '10389',
$ssl_port = '10636',
$parition_dn = hiera('apacheds::partition_dn'),
$jks_pw = hiera('apacheds::jks_pw'),
) {

class { 'java': distribution => 'jre' }

package { 'apacheds':
ensure => $version,
before => File['/etc/apacheds'],
require => Class['java'],

Exec { logoutput => on_failure }
File { mode => '0644', owner => 'apacheds', group => 'root', }

# Config file needs to me managed in some for or another to be able to add
# our partition and turn on SSL. Production module will use java_ks for
# certificates and a more thoroughly templatized config...unless it get a
# little crazy and write something to generalize the management of xml files...
file { 'server_config':
path => "/var/lib/apacheds-${version}/default/conf/server.xml",
ensure => present,
content => template("${module_name}/server_xml.erb"),
mode => '0644',
owner => 'apacheds',
group => 'apacheds',
notify => Service['apacheds'],
require => Package['apacheds'],
file { '/etc/apacheds':
ensure => directory,

# The service exits as up before the LDAP backend it full up. Giving it a
# little extra time to come up...Yet another reason for a type to do the LDIF
# modifications, clean retries.
service { 'apacheds':
name => "apacheds-${version}-default",
ensure => running,
enable => true,
restart => "/etc/init.d/apacheds-${version}-default restart && sleep 5",
require => Package['apacheds'],

# All our templates that need to be loaded into our new LDAP server. None
# are actually currently "templates"...The template function just works best
# when interacting with Exec resources.
$rootpw_ldif = template("${module_name}/rootpw_ldif.erb")
$schema_ldif = template("${module_name}/schemas_ldif.erb")
$pl_context_ldif = template("${module_name}/pl_context_ldif.erb")
$ou_ldif = template("${module_name}/ou_ldif.erb")
$entries_ldif = template("${module_name}/entries_ldif.erb")
$initial_subentry_ldif = template("${module_name}/initial_subentry_ldif.erb")
$self_access_ldif = template("${module_name}/self_access_ldif.erb")
$dir_managers_ldif = template("${module_name}/dir_managers_ldif.erb")

# Now to change the default password. Have to wait a little while for the
# password to expire from the cache so we can do the later operations.
exec { 'update password':
command => "echo '${rootpw_ldif}' | ldapmodify -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w secret && sleep 5",
onlyif => "ldapsearch -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -LLL -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w secret -b ou=system ou=system",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Service['apacheds'],
file { '/etc/apacheds/certs':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0750',
before => Java_ks[$::fqdn],

# Turn on specific schemas for doing posix account management.
exec { 'turn on schemas':
command => "echo '${schema_ldif}' | ldapmodify -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
onlyif => "ldapsearch -ZZ -LLL -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw} -b ou=schema cn=nis m-disabled | grep TRUE",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec['update password'],
java_ks { 'ca':
ensure => latest,
password => $jks_pw,
certificate => "/etc/apacheds/certs/${::fqdn}.pem",
pirvate_key => "/etc/apacheds/certs/${::fqdn}.key",
target => "/var/lib/${version}/default/apacheds.jks",
before => Class['apacheds::config'],
require => Package['apacheds'],

# Adds the base context for our dc=puppetlabs,dc=net parition.
exec { 'add context':
command => "echo '${pl_context_ldif}' | ldapadd -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
onlyif => "test `ldapsearch -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -LLL -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw} -b dc=puppetlabs,dc=net '(ObjectClass=*)' dc=puppetlabs,dc=net | wc -l` = 0",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec['update password'],
java_ks { $::fqdn:
ensure => latest,
password => $jks_pw,
certificate => '/etc/apacheds/certs/ca.pem',
target => "/var/lib/${version}/default/apacheds.jks",
trustcacerts => true,
before => Class['apacheds::config'],
require => Package['apacheds'],

# Add a set of precanned organizational units that work well for us.
exec { 'add ou':
command => "echo '${ou_ldif}' | ldapadd -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
unless => "test `ldapsearch -D uid=admin,ou=system -ZZ -H ldap://${server}:${port} -w ${rootpw} -x -b dc=puppetlabs,dc=net -LLL '(|(ou=people)(ou=group)(ou=autofs))' ou | grep ou: | wc -l` = 3",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec[[ 'add context', 'turn on schemas' ] ],
if $master {

# Adds a few default entries that people can use at templates for creating
# new users, groups, or automounts.
exec { 'add entries':
command => "echo '${entries_ldif}' | ldapadd -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
unless => "test `ldapsearch -D uid=admin,ou=system -ZZ -H ldap://${server}:${port} -w ${rootpw} -x -b dc=puppetlabs,dc=net -LLL uid=zero uid | grep uid: | wc -l` = 1",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec[ [ 'add ou', 'turn on schemas' ] ],
# Master config
class { 'apacheds::config':
master => true, # Would be default
port => $port,
ssl_port => $ssl_port,
use_ldaps => true,
jks => 'apacheds.jks',
jks_pw => $jks_pw,
partition_dn => $parition_dn,
allow_hashed_pw => true, # Would be default
version => $version, # Yes this sucks but I don't want to repackage it.
require => Package['apacheds'],

exec { 'intial subentry and aci':
command => "echo '${initial_subentry_ldif}' | ldapadd -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
unless => "ldapsearch -ZZ -H ldap://${server}:${port} -D uid=admin,ou=system -w ${rootpw} -x -b dc=puppetlabs,dc=net -E subentries=true -LLL cn=puppetlabsACISubentry | grep 'cn: puppetlabsACISubentry'",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec['add context'],
} else {

exec { 'self access':
command => "echo '${self_access_ldif}' | ldapadd -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
unless => "ldapsearch -ZZ -H ldap://${server}:${port} -D uid=admin,ou=system -w ${rootpw} -x -b dc=puppetlabs,dc=net -E subentries=true -LLL cn=puppetlabsACISubentry prescriptiveACI | grep allowSelfAccessAndModification",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec['intial subentry and aci'],
# Slave config
class { 'apacheds::config':
master => false,
master_host => $master_host,
port => $port,
ssl_port => $ssl_port,
use_ldaps => true,
jks => 'apacheds.jks',
partition_dn => $parition_dn,
allow_hashed_pw => true,
version => $version, # Yes this sucks but I don't want to repackage it.
require => Package['apacheds'],

exec { 'directory managers':
command => "echo '${dir_managers_ldif}' | ldapadd -ZZ -D uid=admin,ou=system -H ldap://${server}:${port} -x -w ${rootpw}",
unless => "ldapsearch -ZZ -H ldap://${server}:${port} -D uid=admin,ou=system -w ${rootpw} -x -b dc=puppetlabs,dc=net -E subentries=true -LLL cn=puppetlabsACISubentry prescriptiveACI | grep directoryManagerFullAccessACI",
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
require => Exec['intial subentry and aci'],
service { 'apacheds':
name => "apacheds-${version}-default",
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => [ Package['apacheds'], Class['apacheds::config'], ],
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/init.pp
@@ -1 +1 @@
include apacheds
class { 'apacheds': master => true' }
75 changes: 75 additions & 0 deletions tests/puppetlabs/master.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
# What I want the interface to this module to actually look like.
class service::ldap::master(
$admin_dn = 'uid=admin,ou=system',
$admin_default_pw = 'secret',
$admin_pw = hiera('service::ldap::admin_pw'),
$server = $apacheds::master,
$port = $apacheds::port,
$directory_managers = hiera('service::ldap::directory_managers'),
) {

class { 'apacheds': master => true, version => '2.0.0-M6' }

Ads_entry {
admin_dn => $admin_dn,
admin_pw => $admin_pw,
admin_default_pw => $admin_default_pw,
server => $server,
port => $port,

ads_entry { 'uid=admin':
ensure => present,
attributes => { 'userPassword' => $admin_pw },
require => Class['apacheds'],

ads_entry { 'dc=puppetlabs,dc=net':
ensure => present,
objectclass => [ 'dcObject', 'top', 'organization', 'administrativeRole' ],
attributes => { 'o' => 'Puppet Labs', 'administrativeRole' => 'accessControlSpecificArea' },
require => Ads_entry['uid=admin'],

ads_entry { 'ou=people':
ensure => present,
base => 'dc=puppetlabs,dc=net',
objectclass => [ 'dcObject', 'top', 'organizationalUnit' ],
attributes => { 'ou' => 'people', },
require => Ads_entry['dc=puppetlabs,dc=net'],

ads_entry { 'ou=group':
ensure => present,
base => 'dc=puppetlabs,dc=net',
objectclass => [ 'top', 'organizationalUnit' ],
attributes => { 'ou' => 'group', },
require => Ads_entry['dc=puppetlabs,dc=net'],

ads_entry { 'ou=automount':
ensure => present,
base => 'dc=puppetlabs,dc=net',
objectclass => [ 'top', 'organizationalUnit' ],
attributes => { 'ou' => 'automount', },
require => Ads_entry['dc=puppetlabs,dc=net'],

$dir_manager = template("${module_name}/dir_managers_ldif.erb")
$default_all_users = template("${module_name}/default_all_users_ldif.erb")
$self_access = template("${module_name}/self_acces_ldif.erb")

ads_entry { 'cn=puppetlabsACISubentry':
ensure => present,
base => 'dc=puppetlabs,dc=net',
objectclass => [ 'accessControlSubentry', 'top', 'subentry' ],
attributes => {
'cn' => 'puppetlabsACISubentry',
'prescriptiveACI' => $dir_managers,
'prescriptiveACI' => $default_all_users,
'prescriptiveACI' => $self_access,
require => Ads_entry['dc=puppetlabs,dc=net'],

33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions tests/puppetlabs/slave.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# What I want the interface to this module to actually look like.

class service::ldap::slave(
$admin_dn = 'uid=admin,ou=system',
$admin_default_pw = 'secret',
$admin_pw = hiera('service::ldap::admin_pw'),
$server = $apacheds::master,
$port = $apacheds::port
) {

class { 'apacheds': master => false, version => '2.0.0-M6' }

Ads_entry {
admin_dn => $admin_dn,
admin_pw => $admin_pw,
admin_default_pw => $admin_default_pw,
server => $server,
port => $port,

ads_entry { 'uid=admin':
ensure => present,
attributes => { 'userPassword' => $admin_pw },
require => Class['apacheds'],

ads_entry { 'dc=puppetlabs,dc=net':
ensure => present,
objectclass => [ 'dcObject', 'top', 'organization', 'administrativeRole' ],
attributes => { 'o' => 'Puppet Labs', 'administrativeRole' => 'accessControlSpecificArea' },
require => Ads_entry['uid=admin'],

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