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Apt 2.0

The original apt module stems from 2010 and since then has continued to accumulate feature after feature, change after change without anyone ever taking a hard look at it. This has resulted in a functional module but with a lot of 'bad', old code and features that though once seemed useful aren't really part of the core mission of the module, whic…

Apt 2.0

The original apt module stems from 2010 and since then has continued to accumulate feature after feature, change after change without anyone ever taking a hard look at it. This has resulted in a functional module but with a lot of 'bad', old code and features that though once seemed useful aren't really part of the core mission of the module, which is to configure apt for you.

As such we've decided to, fairly radically, modernise the module in several ways.

  • Removes a bunch of old code
  • Removes some 'features' like builddep with can now be solved by install_options
  • Transitions some features from separate classes, like backports to examples
  • Remove, rename, cleanup or shuffle some of the parameters on the different classes
  • Allow for more resources to be created by passing in a hash through Hiera
  • Turn apt::ppa into something more robust and working
  • Bump the stdlib dependency to 4.+
  • Bump the Puppet dependency to 3.4+ (because contains) and the PE dependency to 3.2+ because that contains Puppet 3.4.x

Lifecycle and support

The 1.x series will continue to receive updates but only for critical or security related bugs during the first 6 months of the 2.x lifecycle. No new features or 'default changes' will be accepted.

The 2.x series will continue to receive updates and kept up to par with the 3.x series for a period of time. A deprecation cycle for 2.x will be decided upon depending on Puppet 4 adoption rate.

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