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add add_compiler plan
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timidri committed Jun 2, 2021
1 parent 6fc79c2 commit ae8f6f2
Showing 1 changed file with 68 additions and 0 deletions.
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions plans/add_compiler.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# @summary Add a new compiler to a PE architecture or replace an existing one with new configuration.
# @param avail_group_letter _ Either A or B; whichever of the two letter designations the compiler is being assigned to
# @param compiler_fqdn _ The FQDN and certname of the new compiler
# @param dns_alt_names _ A comma_separated list of DNS alt names for the compiler
# @param primary_server_fqdn _ The FQDN and certname of the primary Puppet server
# @param postgresql_server_fqdn _ The FQDN and certname of the PE-PostgreSQL server with availability group $avail_group_letter
plan peadm::add_compiler(
String[1] $avail_group_letter,
Peadm::SingleTargetSpec $compiler_fqdn,
Optional[String[1]] $dns_alt_names = undef,
Peadm::SingleTargetSpec $primary_server_fqdn,
Peadm::SingleTargetSpec $postgresql_server_fqdn,
# Stop puppet.service
run_command('systemctl stop puppet.service', $postgresql_server_fqdn)

# Add the following two lines to /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/postgresql/11/data/pg_ident.conf
# pe-puppetdb-pe-puppetdb-map <new-compiler-fqdn> pe-puppetdb
# pe-puppetdb-pe-puppetdb-migrator-map <new-compiler-fqdn> pe-puppetdb-migrator

apply($postgresql_server_fqdn) {
file_line { 'pe-puppetdb-pe-puppetdb-map':
path => '/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/postgresql/11/data/pg_ident.conf',
line => "pe-puppetdb-pe-puppetdb-map ${compiler_fqdn} pe-puppetdb",
file_line { 'pe-puppetdb-pe-puppetdb-migrator-map':
path => '/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/postgresql/11/data/pg_ident.conf',
line => "pe-puppetdb-pe-puppetdb-migrator-map ${compiler_fqdn} pe-puppetdb-migrator",

# Reload pe-postgresql.service
run_command('systemctl reload pe-postgresql.service', $postgresql_server_fqdn)

# Install the puppet agent making sure to specify an availability group letter, A or B, as an extension request.
$dns_alt_names_flag = $dns_alt_names? {
undef => [],
default => "main:dns_alt_names=${dns_alt_names}",

run_task('peadm::agent_install', $compiler_fqdn,
server => $primary_server_fqdn,
install_flags => $dns_alt_names_flag + [

# If necessary, manually submit a CSR
# run_task('peadm::submit_csr', $compiler_fqdn)
# On primary-server-fqdn, if necessary, sign the certificate request
run_task('peadm::sign_csr', $primary_server_fqdn, { 'certnames' => [$compiler_fqdn] } )

# On <compiler-fqdn>, run the puppet agent
run_task('peadm::puppet_runonce', $compiler_fqdn)

# On <postgresql-server-fqdn>:
# Run the puppet agent
run_task('peadm::puppet_runonce', $postgresql_server_fqdn)

# Start puppet.service
run_command('systemctl start puppet.service', $postgresql_server_fqdn)

return("Adding or replacing compiler ${compiler_fqdn} succeeded.")


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