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Quick Note

This is a fork of Grokzen's docker-redis-cluster which attempts to strip down some unneeded config and other improvements that make it more useful for a test setup.

There are a few key differences between this docker config and Grokzen's, namely:

  • Removed extra 2 standalone redis instances (ports 7006, 7007)
  • Advertise IP address to work with both host and bridge networking
  • Allow redis version to be passed in as build arg


Docker image with redis built and installed from source.

The main usage for this container is to test redis cluster code.

The cluster is 6 redis instances running with 3 master & 3 slaves, one slave for each master. They run on ports 7000 to 7005.

The image will build the tag 3.2.3 from the redis git repo unless specified otherwise.

The compose file uses v2 formatting for build arg support, so Compose 1.6.0+ and Docker Engine 1.10.0+ is required.

Available tags

The following tags with pre-built images is available on docker-hub. They are based on the tags in this repo.

  • Latest (Is the highest tag that currently exists in the redis repo [3.2.3 currently])
  • 3.2.3 (Currently the same as 'Latest')


docker pull druotic/redis-cluster

Build (optional)

To build the image, docker-compose -f compose.yml build. By default, this will use redis 3.2.3 and will not tag the resulting image.

To specify an alternate redis version (and with optional tagging):

docker build --build-arg redis_version=3.2.2 -t <user>/redis-cluster:3.2.2 .


You have a few options for running the image depending on your configuration, but some quick notes first:

  • The advertised IP referenced below should only be required if working with a NAT'd environment like docker-machine. This shouldn't be required on linux machines. So, for docker-machine, this would be the IP of the VM and can be obtained via docker-machine ip <name_of_vm>
  • If host networking is used, REDIS_CLUSTER_ADVERTISED_IP should also be set. Otherwise, some private/non-host-routable IP will be bound (bad).
  • After this redis issue is resolved, host networking can be removed.

If NAT is involved (docker-machine, etc), use host networking. For example,

docker run -it -e REDIS_CLUSTER_ADVERTISED_IP=<IP> --net=host druotic/redis-cluster

(If you built the image yourself, replace user and/or add :<version> tag)

If no NAT is involved (native/linux platform),

docker run -it druotic/redis-cluster

Run with Compose

If NAT is involved (docker-machine, etc), use host networking. For example,


If no NAT is involved (native/linux platform),

docker-compose -f compose.yml up

Warnings about environment variables not being set can be ignored.

Connecting to Cluster

redis-cli -c -h <host> -p 7000

If NAT is involved, host will likely be the ip of the virtual machine if using something like docker-machine. On linux, this will be the private IP address of the container which can be obtained from

docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <container name or ID>

Until announce ip/port is supported by redis, the private IP (or VM ip for host networking) and ports 7000-7005 will have to be used when connecting. Otherwise, the provided (binded) ip/port will not be routable and the initial connect will succeed but node redirects will fail.

Known Issues

If you get a error when rebuilding the image that docker can't do dns lookup on then you need to modify docker to use google IPv4 DNS lookups. Read the following link and uncomment the line in /etc/default/docker and restart your docker daemon and it should be fixed.


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