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executable file
600 lines (366 loc) · 18.2 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
600 lines (366 loc) · 18.2 KB

Command Click Usage

Android: 8+ License: GPL v3 GitHub release (with filter) GitHub repo size GitHub all releases

Table of Contents


Setup ubuntu

'CommandClick' is enable ubuntu as backend with sound.


  1. Press Setup button in Notification
  2. Complete about 5 minutes
  3. Press Terminal button
  • Restart -> Press button when ubuntu not working
  • ssh username & password: cmdclick


sshpass -p cmdclick \
    ssh -p 10022 "cmdclick@${android ipv4 address}"

Backup ubuntu rootfs

'CommandClick' is enable current rootfs backup.


  1. Press BACKUP button in Notification
  1. Launch ubuntu rootfs backup manager
  2. Press BACKUP button
  1. Wait backup comp

  2. Press INIT button

  3. Press RESTORE

Custom shell command

It is a useful tool for CommandClick. For example, send broadcast, toast, and etc.

-> About custom shell command

Ubuntu more

Cc ubuntu has original feature like bellow

-> Ubuntu feature

Index mode

This mode is main mode. Top is web monitor view, down is fannel(addon) name list, bottom is toolbar.
Main usage is executoin script by net surfing and list script clicking, other usage is maintenance script or app by longpress or toolbar.



This feature is basic and great feature in Command Click.
This always allow you to select current directory and mode which used, as if you look in Android's backstack feature's history.


  1. Click left bottom history button.

Url history

Above same.

  1. Long press left bottom history button.

Fannel(addon) List

Image click


Display description for script


  1. Click QR code

Image long click

Display qr code dialog


  1. Long click QR code
  2. Click bellow like image

Body click


Run script or launch app mode (when editExecute variable is Always)


  1. Click script item

Body long click


Edit script.


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click edit in menu


Delete script


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click Utility -> delete in menu


Kill proccess


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click Utility -> kill in menu
  3. Select kill type
  • kill type
type description
kill app Kill all app process
kill this process Kill this fannel(script) process
select kill Kill process selected from process list dialog


Display description for script


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click Utility -> Description in menu


Edit script by editor


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click Utility -> write in menu

Copy file

Copy file for script


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click Utility -> copy file in menu

Copy file path

Copy file path for script


  1. Long press list item
  2. Click Utility -> copy file path in menu


Mainly, setting browser and addon (fannel)

Change term size

Terminal size change.


  1. Click toolbar right setting button

Edit preference

Edit preference
preference is setting for current app directory. So this setting directly link to usability.


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click edit_startup in popup menu

No scroll save url

Register scroll y position ignore domain


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click no scroll save url in popup menu

Scan QR

This is high power feature.
Enable scan bellow type qr

type description
WIFI setup ssid and pin
SMS send sms
GMAIL send gmail
TEL call number
GOOGLE CALENDAR register google calendar
URL launch url
GIT CLONE git clone
ref: [Git clone QR](#Image long click)
FILE DOWNLOAD file download by p2p
ref: [Fannel upload by P2P](#Image long click)
SCP_DOWNLOAD file downlaod by rsync
JAVASCRIPT Load javascript

Install fannel

fannel is bellow meaning

fannel is ComamndClick using script (javascript, and shellscript) For instance, your click script in CommandClick. One thing I can say that CommandClick is developed for the purpose of changing javaxcript and shellscript to gui appication. That applies to click script. It's so called Gui application. We can say so. I call the gui application fannel.


  1. Long press right bottom gear button
  2. click install_fannel
  3. You can install fannel by clicking.

When you wont to sync git repository, sync by left bottom sync button and wait until fannel list update.

Reflesh monitor

You can reflesh web terminal view.


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click manager -> "term_reflesh" in popup menu

Select monitor


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click 'manager' -> select term in popup menu
  3. select term from term list

Restart ubuntu

Restart ubuntu forcibly


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click manager -> restart ubuntu in popup menu


Add new script.
At the same time, if you installed code editor, edit new file.

More detail ref


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click manager -> add in popup menu

App dir manager

Start App directory Manager


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click setting -> "change_app_dir" in popup menu

App directory is directory which index mode retreive

  • when item long press, poupu like bellow menu table add, delete, copy and rename menu
menu description
add Add App directory
delete Delete App directory
rename Rename App directory name
copy Copy App directory

Create shortcut

You can create shortcut for current App directory or script


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click setting -> "create_short_cut" in popup menu


You can setting CommandClick Configration


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click setting -> "config" in popup menu

Change ubuntu sleep minutes

Ubuntu Sleep delay minutes is set for battery life. default 20 min


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click setting -> "config" in popup menu
  3. Change ubuntuSleepDelayMinInScreenOff

Termux Setting

-> About termux setup


You can forward web terminal view history.


  1. Long press right buttom gear button
  2. Click left allow button

Search mode

You can search web terminal view by toolbar search item.


  1. Input bottom search bar.

Terminal filter

It's default setting in terminal short size. If you type string, realtime filter start.

Terminal search

Search typing word.


  1. Long press terminal mark or web mark long press

Launch web menu

This is shortcut menu with internet button. When you look website, press internet button no highlight, launch menu by inernet button script


  1. Click internet button.

Highlight search

This mode is web browser search revolution. Existing browser don't have this feature.
This mode is CommmandClick's web search big advantage. This mode enable speedy search and derailment search.


  1. Highlight text in website

  2. Click internet button

Highlight search dialog feature

Highlight search inpact source is this feature. More precisely, thanks to shortcut button power.

  • click
  • long press

Auto exec script

Command Click have auto exec script. This is used when index mode startup or end.


This preference is automaticaly read when index mode startup.

Override config setting variable, if you are change default value with your set value.

Internet Button exec script

This script is executed, click when internet buton is grey globle mark and long terminal mode is active.

Button exec script

This script is executed when history buton click or long click, if you select urlHistoryOrButtonExec to BUTTON_EXEC in setting variable. Also whether click or long click torigger, due to historySwitch setting (reference to ).

Developer page


CommandClick is powered by javascript mainly. For that, This has many javascript interface and option. These enforce browser feature like addon. If you had made nice script, Commandclick is more suitable browser for you. I mean, CommandClick is customize browser. And, CommandClick is multi application. Beyond addon field, CommandClick is multiple standalone application(I call fannel).
I mean, CommandClick is low code tool. You can make andorid application by less effort.
Welcome to above developer page that expands depending on you.


-> CommandClick's fannel repository

fannel is ComamndClick using script (javascript, and shellscript) For instance, your click script in CommandClick. One thing I can say that CommandClick is developed for the purpose of changing javaxcript and shellscript to gui appication. That applies to click script. It's so called Gui application. We can say so. I call the gui application fannel

Generally TroubleShooting

  • Javascript err -> [Recommend] Install WebView Canary

    • Probably js not working
  • App not working -> kill this app

    • Although this is frequently, incident is unknown   
  • When fannel suddenly not working, update latest CommandClick and fannel.

    • CommandClick and fannel is new baby. Therefre, these is frequetly updated without backwards compatible. I continuly enforce usability and fanctionality. Before long, if these grow up adult, I weight stability. But, please feel at ease, most often even now, latest version works fine.

Ubuntu, debian and windows version

-> ubuntu, debian or windows version